Chapter 49

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After a shower, best I could, I got dressed. Took my meds and sit here relaxing for now. Only a little while til we leave.

Hearing the door open, I look at it.

"Lita! What are you doing here?What's wrong? Is Padre ok?" I ask, out of breath now.

"Slow down sister. I'm here to go with you tonight, if that's ok" Lita says.
"Hell yeah that's ok. I'm just surprised." I laugh.

I hear a throat clear and look up.

I smile and walk into his arms, "hi babe." I say.

Leaning down to kiss me, "hi yourself. I'll let you two catch up. Be ready in half an hour." Talon says.

Closing the door, I turn to her."Out with it Lita. What's going on? And don't say nothing. I know better." I say, sitting on the bed.

Lita starts pacing the floor, "Papa wanted me to go with you tonight, your truck is back now and wants you to go in it. I'll drive but he wants us both in it." She says, sitting on the bed.

"Is there going to be trouble?" I ask her.

"Not I know of. But I did find out Papa has a fighter there tonight" she says.

Well, why doesn't that surprise me.
"Who's his fighter?" I ask, hoping it's not anyone I knew.

"Don't know his name Sami. Until yesterday, I didn't know Papa still had fighters. All I know is that he's fierce when he fights." She states.

Standing up, "well, I guess I have no choice, Padre made it an order didn't he?" I smile.

She nods yes, and smiles. "He knew it is the only way you would go in a vehicle."

"Let's get out there and check the guys. Wait, you said my truck is
here? It's done?" I ask.

Laughing at me, "yeah. It's out front." Lita smiles.

Opening my door, I'm heading outside, as I pass the bar, Talon
throws me keys. He knew I'd want to see my baby.

Stepping outside, I see my truck. Oh my fucking god. She looks good as new.

Walking around, trailing my fingers over the metal. This is my baby. No dents or broken glass now.

Opening the drivers door, I hop in. Hard to believe that I love this
truck more than the one Padre gave me. Something about this truck has always drawn me to it.

Lita opens the other door, "I see you're happy to have her back." She grins.

"Hell yes. I love the vehicle you and Padre gave me, but, this is my baby." I say proudly.

"And now, she's completelly bulletproof" Lita says.

"Fuck yeah she is. I'm ready to drive her. But I know I can't right now." I say throwing her the keys.

She jumps out of the truck, "told you fuckers I'd get to drive this beast." Lita smiles.

The guys are standing there laughing at her, like a kid on Christmas.

Shaking my head at them, "only because it was an order damnit!"
I yell and pout.

"Aww babe, don't pout." Talon laughs at me.

Chuckling at them, "but it's so much fun" I say.

Gunner walks up and leans in to whisper, "that pout is gonna get
you a spanking" he says and walks away.

I laugh out, and shake my head. A spanking sounds got right now.
Fuck Sami stop that thinking.

"Alright assholes, time to get on the road." Hawk yells.

Lita gets in the truck grinning, I get in the passenger side smiling at her. "Don't you hurt my baby Lita."

She laughs at me, gunning the engine, "she sounds like a fucking beast"

Ice comes walking over, "Becki is riding with you ladies" he says
turning to a pissed of woman.
She huffs and gets in the back seat.

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