Chapter 11

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Talon ~
Riding behind that beast of a truck. I admit is one beautiful machine. And Sami looks sexy as fuck driving it. I can't help think how I'm going to prove to her that we belong together.

We have a charity ride coming up and it's all planned. Being our Queenie, she should be on the back of my bike. But how to convince her.

Back at the clubhouse everyone is talking about the ride coming up. Fine tuning the details of the whole day. Wanting to make sure there is no problems for us. Glancing to the family table, which is a table in the corner, I see Sami and her boys chatting with Ice and Becki.

She glances up, I motion if she wants a drink. I get a chin nod. I can't help but chuckle to myself. The more they hang out the more they all act like us.

"Prospect. Shot of fireball and a beer." I say while turning towards their table.

"Sure thing Prez. " He says getting the drinks.

He slides the drinks to me, "thanks prospect."

I'm walking to the table, watching her, Every time I'm around her I get this feeling. Deep down, I know she's it for me. There's a chemistry between us that is definitely going to explode. Hell, my cock won't even get hard around anyone woman but her.

Glancing around, the brothers are all at ease, playing pool, darts or cards. Family. That's what this club is all about.

Sitting down, sliding her shot to her, she takes it and downs it. She looks tired. Hell it's been a rough few days for her.

I lean close to her, "sweetheart, you look wore out. How bout I run you a bath and give ya a massage?" Whispering only she can hear me.

A stunned looked, but it fades. "Though that may sound nice, you are being too caring Talon. Told you, I don't want that." She says, but not rudely.

"You may not want it but it's what you need" I reply. Knowing I'm right. "You deserve to have someone take care of you for once, And that man is me."

Shaking her head a lil bit. "You're wrong. I don't deserve it at all. I've been broken too long to deserve that." A sadness falls over her face that I don't like seeing.

As I'm starting to speak, she gets up, giving her boys a hug and kiss. " I'll see you both at home. Love you boys." And walks towards the door.

"Talon, give her time. I know there's something between you two. Me and bubba are for it." Her oldest son, who we call Bub, says to me. Her youngest son we call Bubba, smiles and nods.

"Thanks boys but she is a stubborn woman, that thinks she's too broken." Is all I can reply.

"Then maybe you need to show her differently." Ice speaks up.

"She has demons we don't know about, but needs to be shown that we don't care about her past, we all have those ourselves. And if her boys are for this, you've impressed them already. " he states.

"Boys, if I have your blessing then I'm gonna prove to her, and make her see I'm not giving up. That there's something special between us and she's not going to deny it, we are meant for each other." I'm firmly stating.

They both are nodding in agreement.

"Time for me to get this in motion. You boys still planning on going to your sisters tomorrow?" I ask.

Bub grins and states "actually, we're leaving soon. Bubba wants to surprise her. So, you can take care of her tonight. Hahaha. Yeah, we know you've been sitting outside looking at the house, watching momma and not upset about it at all". Bubba is laughing and Ice sits there smirking.

"Fuck. Thought was being sneaky. " I laugh out. "Your momma is a special woman boys."

"Don't we know it. She's been thru hell and back for her family. Done things we probably don't know about, but we love her anyways. When I was locked up, her and bubba was my lifeline. Without them, I'd never made it out." Bub says with a look of sadness.

Bubba looks at us, nodding. "Family first. Always".

His injury left him with speech problems, but the more I'm around him the more I can understand. He is truly a warrior.

The boys are leaving to go get their car packed up for a few days visit.

"Take care of our momma Talon. Don't let her get in any trouble." Bub smirks.

"Will you be back in time for the ride?" I say, knowing they will be.

"Hell yes we will. Gonna try get sis and her wife to come also." He says while helping his brother through the door.

I'm walking them out, "Great. It'd be nice to meet them." I say.

Watching them leave, I'm thinking I need to make a plan. And it's gotta be a good one. First things first, I need a chat with Ice and Becki.

Becki is the first to say it."She doesn't need romance Talon. She needs truth and a man to be in control for once. She's been on her own a long time." Becki says.

Ice shakes his head, "woman. You all want some type of romance".

"That can come later. I know her better than you, remember, I'm the one she confides in." she only smirks.

"Fuck.! You two aren't any help." I say as I'm heading to my house.

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