Chapter 17

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Watching her leave, I can only shake my head. Yeah it was a surprise finding out she's married still. But I'd never let her go over that.

"So, never thought our Prez would be with a married woman" Ice says ducking back down the bar.

"Fuck off Ice" I chuckle.

"Who's fucking married, and what the fuck you messing with someone when you and Sami just got branded together.?" Razor says, his face shocked and almost pissy.

"Shut up asshole. I'd never do that to her. But, she's still married." I growl to him.

Grabbing a drink, "gotta do invoicing, I'll be in my office" staing as I walk away.

Sitting at the desk, looking over the invoices for our shop and bar, I need to hire someone to do this shit. Finally, got the last one done and checks ready to mail, flexing my neck a few times, I hate sitting in that chair for hours. Looking at my phone, I missed a call from the lawyer. How did I not hear it.?

Scrolling to his number, he picks up on the 2nd ring "Talon, glad you called back. Sami sent the info and I got it typed up and into the clerk in time to have it filled today with a court date in a week. You owe me for that one. Seeing as she doesn't have his current address not sure. But, I'm faxing the copies to you, in case she finds him to serve them. In that case, if she does, need video proof that she served him. And we'll go from there." Luke says breathing hard. He sounds like he needs to quit smoking

"Good. I'm in the office now. Fax it over. I'll make copies to keep in the truck and bikes. We'll find his ass for her to be rid of him." I reply automatic.

"Sure thing. Anything else you need right now?" He asks.

"Nope. I want this a priority. Grease whatever wheels you need to get this done. Also fax to her house too." I rattle off the number, hanging up.

Stretching my back, I wanna get out of here. Heading to the bar, grabbing a drink, settling into a stool.

Ice walks in with a shit eating grin on his face. "Never guess who I ran into in town."

Shaking my head, "hard telling knowing you. So tell me who it was."

Looking at me sideways, "let's just say that it's someone who we haven't seen in awhile. But wanted to make it for the ride this weekend."

Sipping my drink, I think. And there's only one person he'd be that happy to see here. Night the nomad.

I turn to look at him, "seeing how excited you are, I'd venture to say Night".

He laughs, "fuck yeah. He's been gone for a year doing that nomad shit. We got to talking, and I think he's getting tired of the road and wants to put down roots."

"Well VP, we'll find him a place here. He's a good brother to us. We can call church and talk about it when he decides for sure." I say, knowing that's what he hoped I'd say.

"He's got a short run to finish but he'll be here tomorrow night for the kickoff party." Ice says taking a drink of beer.

Laughing, I side eye him, "you gonna tell Sami?" I can't help but laugh.

"Fuck no. I'm gonna fuck with her on this. Gonna get him going on about her, then take him outside and have Razor walk back in. She'll hand him his ass. " He's laughing

"Just remember, that's my woman and don't let it get out of hand. I don't mind messing with him, but she's liable to kick his and your ass after." I chuckle. Knowing I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on it though. She's gonna kick Ice's ass, Razor and Night are twin brothers. Shaking my head at him, he's still laughing. And telling Becki and Gunner now about it.

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