Chapter 51

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Overall the night was good. If I knew who was actually fighting tho, I'd had waited.

Seeing my son pissed off hurt me, knowing he was thinking of the past. My fucking past and all the fuck ups I've made.

I'm surprised I'm still alive. We're pulling into the compound, I'm ready for a shower and sleep.

From the sounds of it, looks like sleep isn't going to happen right now.

"What the hells going on Ice" I ask as I walk in the door.

"Some shit went down with another charter. Getting ready to head out to bust some fuckers up." Ice says.

"Damn. Who's charter?" I ask.

"Mayhems, they were on a run. Got ambushed. We're going to get the load back. Nothing to worry about." He says.

"Y'all best be safe. We going on lockdown? Seeing from the number of people here." I say while looking around the bar.

"Just a precaution Sami" He says with a hitch.

"Where the fuck is Prez?" Hawk yells out.

Nodding towards the hall, "office on the phone with Mayhem". Ice says.

"Gunner get my boys home safe and put prospects there" I tell him.

"On it babe" Gunner says.

We sit there watching and waiting to find out what the fuck is going on.

The front door slams open, Razor and Night stumble in.

I jump up running to them, "Doc need you!" I yell.

"Get my ole man in here fucking now" I scream out.

"Sami, get away from the door" Razor gets out. He takes a breath and falls into my arms.

I have my arms around him trying to hold him up, my fingers feel sticky and I look down.

There's so much blood. Fuck!

Night starts to fall as Eagle gets to him.

"Razor, easy babe. I got you." I say, trying to stay calm.

He looks up to me, "get the fuck away from the fucking doors Queenie. Do it now." He rasps out.

Ice runs to us, taking Razor from me, carrying him to the bar top.

Fuck! My shoulder is throbbing. Trying to hold Razor up took all I had.

"What the fuck happened?" I hear Talon asking.

"Nights bike fucked up, pulled over and got jumped" Razor growls.

I spin around, "his bike?" I ask.

Gunner walks back in, "Sami, boys are at your house." He says.

Night starts to speak, "Prez got a message, but not here." Saying as he glances at me.

"Oh hell no. Spit it the fuck out. I saw you glance at me, which tells me that this has something to do with me" I yell at him.

He looks at Talon, making sure he can speak freely.

Talon nods and walks to stand by me.

"Stopped for gas, then as we were heading out, my bike felt off, few miles down the road, I lost all power to it. So we pulled over. As I was standing there, these guys came out from the side of the road. Got jumped before we knew what happened. We got a couple of them down. Well, um," Night stutters.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now