Chapter 32

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Talon ~

This has been the most strangest few weeks we've had. I fucking hope shit calms down soon. I know she wants to handle what happened, but I think it needs time to plan out. This situation is special, personal.

Walking back into the clubhouse, party still going on, not as many in here. Probably in the yard and bonfires.

Chains walks up, "all good Prez?" He ask

"Good as can be right now." I tell him.

Sami sits next to me, talking to Becki.

Gunner steps up, "Prez, I need to talk you for a minute please. In my room." He says and walks away.

Leaning to kiss her cheek, "I'll right back Sami."

She nods and smiles. Turning to Becki again.

Stepping in his room, he turns to look at me, I see concern.

He turns back to his computers, typing, and brings up files.

"I did some digging when I got back here. This is police reports, with just Jen's name. Brother, how the fuck did the cops not lock his ass up? This is some fucked up shit. I got his name off the reports, already doing a search of his history." He says, turning to the keyboard again.

I'm looking and reading this shit. Fuck. Why so many police reports and no action to help her.

"I fucking knew it. Motherfucker." Gunner growls.

It never surprises me when he finds info. The man's one of the best hackers around.

He reading and typing, clicking away.

"This fucker is an informant. He beat her, and they let it slide because he's a rat." He yells.

I start pacing, this isn't good. If he's in with cops, then I can't let my woman serve justice. No way in hell on that.

We have to figure something else out.

"Save it and keep searching. I'm not letting Sami handle this yet. We need a plan. If he is a rat, she does anything, and gets caught. Fuck." I growl.

Gunner turns to me, "then you need a meeting with Padre, don't you think? He's the best one to talk to about this, and seeing as Sami is involved, he will handle it."

I nod, but, I know her. She will want to be the one to deal with this prick.

"Prez, call him now. He would want to know how she is anyways." Gunner says.

"You're right. Fuck." I say, pulling out my phone.

He answers on the first ring, "how is our Angel? Did you catch up to her?" Padre ask.

"She's ok. We did catch up. Luckily, that fucker wasn't there. But, Padre, we may need your expertise on this." I tell him.

"Of course, anything for her and the club. Now tell me how bad it is that you may need my help." He says.

I proceed to tell him about what went down, he pauses, cusses in Italian, waits for me to continue. When I got to the part about this guy being an informant. He yells.

He's there, I hear him still cussing.

"Gunner is still digging on info." I state.

"Send what you have found so far, so we don't more time finding the same as you. I'll have someone on this 24/7 until we make a plan." He says taking a breath.

"Will do. Thanks Padre." I say knowing I don't have to, but I respect this man a hell of a lot.

He sighs, "at least her Ronica is safe now."

Wait? He knew? "You knew about her?" I ask

"Yes, of course. Although, it was by accident I found out. She kept her family life to herself." He states.

"How did you find out?" I nervously ask.

He takes a deep breath, "Do you love her completely Talon?"

"Of course I do. With everything I have." I almost yell.

"Very well then. It was actually Tony that found out. She had been acting strange, withdrawn. He overheard Sami talking to Lita one night. Just enough to know Sami was worrying. She told Lita that she saw her granddaughter by accident when she was on a job for me. And that she followed them home. That was when Tony found her, sitting in her car watching her. She had been crying, and you know Sami, she hates for anyone to see that. After he talked to her, she came to me. I offered to keep eyes on the child but she said no." he finally gets out.

"Thank you. I'll speak tomorrow." I tell him. And hang up.

Fury floods me, knowing that Tony helped her through that. That he loves my woman.

I'm pacing, Gunners hand stops me, " She loves you brother. Not him. I overheard, Padre is not a soft speaker." He chuckles.

Nodding, "I know Gunner, but it still bother me" A knock at the door, and she steps in.

"Tal, everything ok?" She ask, walking to us. Before Gunner could stop her, she's looking at the screens. She tenses up. Reading, reading it all.

Looking up to him, "how'd you get his name so fast?" She ask

He looks at me, "it was in a police report Sami."

She sits in his chair, clicking on the open files. Reading.

She gasp, "He's a fucking dead man" almost whispering.

Standing up, "I need to make a call." She says, trying to walk away.

"It's already done. I called Padre myself, soon as we read those." I say, pulling her into my chest.

Looking up at me, "thank you Tal. And you too Gunner." She says, pulling away from me and walking out the door.

I look at Gunner, "keep looking best you can. Get it over to Padre in the morning."

"You got it Prez." He say, returning to his chair.

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