Chapter 57

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Hearing footsteps, I look up and smile.

"There's our badass sister." Dex says as he pulls me into a hug.

I can't help but laugh as each one has to hug me.

Having Mick, Dex, Tiny and T.J. here is truly a sight.

"It's fuckin good to see you guys." I say.

"We want to help sister. So, let's get started on what is needed to do this." Dex says.

"As you seen, it needs alot of work, but I know it'll be worth it." I tell them.

Mick looks at us, "Care to tell us what brought this all on?"

Taking a deep breath, "Y'all have the right to know. Years ago, something happened that made me want to help women. Not my story to tell, but, I trained, worked my ass off getting shit taken care of. I help women who need to get out of abusive relationships. A friend, has been giving them a way out. I pick them up and take them to a safe house. He then gives them a choice, a new identity or enough money to start over somewhere else." I tell them.

"I'm assuming the older man we seen earlier is your friend?" Dex ask me.

Not sure what to tell them, but going with the truth, knowing they should know since they'll be working here.

"Yes. It goes no father than this room. For safety reasons." I say, looking at each of them.

TJ looks at me and smiles, "Ya know, I've heard of a woman that helps others, and from what I gather, she's a pretty badass bitch. Word on the streets is that she'll take on anyone if it helps a woman or child." He states.

Mick watches me, "I've heard the rumors too. Maybe we should find her to help in our cause" Smirking at me.

Laughing at them, "Leave it to y'all to give hints like that. How'd you know?" I ask them.

Dex is looking at us, confused.
"What is she talking about Mick?"

Mick and TJ look at me, then to Dex.

"Dude, seriously. You don't get the connection with all this and Sami?" Mick laughs.

Glancing at Tiny, who by the way does not fit his name.
He's deep in thought, looking between us all. Then a look comes over his face as realization hits him.

"Holy fuck. The Angel of Death we've heard about on the streets." He almost whispers out.

TJ and Mick smile. While Dex is still trying to figure it out. He's looking at us all.

"Damn Dex, for a smart man you sure are dumb." TJ states.

"Fuck you. Just confused in why you're talking about the angel when we are here to help Sami, ah fuck." Dex says his eyes wide.

I have to laugh and nod my head.

"For security reasons, that name doesn't get associated with mine. My club, and the man you saw earlier are the only ones who know that. The women I help, think I just get them out of there to safety, they don't know I'm the one who will go after their abusers. If it needs handled" I say.

"Not sure what to say Sami. You've come a long way in the years." Dex smiles.

"I have. I'm not the girl y'all knew back then. Not the one who has her heart on her sleeve anymore." I state.

"Sami, what happened back then, well, just know when I found out, he got his ass kicked by us 4. Won't go into details, but he couldn't fight for months." Dex grits out.

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