Chapter 3

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Talon ~
Sitting here thinking, wondering how I'm going to make this mess right. I've never known the full truth, but it's time for that to be remedied. If I can make things right then I have to know it all.

"Prez, I don't know where to start, so I guess the beginnings best. Long story short though, I meet Sami when I was driving trucks, she worked in dispatch, got to talking, and we hit off, let's say we were better friend than lovers," he chuckles. "She was married but they were separated, me and her became best friends so when they got back together, he became a brother in riding, after a while, we got to drinking and thinking that we could start a club" Ice is stating this as if it was just last week.

I let him take his time, knowing a bit of the rest. But feel not it all. I take a sip of beer, nodding to go on.

"It went great, we got together figuring out our plan. By that time Sami and my ole lady were best friends. They were truly the clubs Queens. Being a new club, we hadn't got to the Prez, VP and such. We were all equals. We were to busy partying, riding and working. There was a party one night, some things happened and was over the line. Words were said and a few fights broke out. Needless to say, that was the last night that my best friend Sami and I spoke." Ice is deep in thought. A look of regret shows in his eyes.

I can't figure out the big issue here and it's time.

"You're my VP, and I trust my life with you. It's time to trust me with this." I say, knowing there's much more than I know.

Ice calmly says in a strained voice "That is her story to tell and only her. I will say this, I fucked up and didn't believe a few things she said regarding her husband and his non club friend. We were devastated, when he lied to us and said she never wanted to see us again. And that if he couldn't be in the club she wasn't either."

As I hear this part, it pisses me the fuck off. Every member knew our history, and the story of our beginning. She was the one who pushed to get this club together. It was her that organized the runs, made contacts and hell she even went in front of other clubs to make this club valid. In the MC world, women didn't belong as anything other than an ole lady, side piece or club whore. But yet, her tough as nails attitude and strength, got respect from those men. Those same men, now still ask about her when we are on runs where others clubs are there.

Ice is saying something I didn't catch, and I ask to repeat, he says it again, clearly now, "She wasn't into what he wanted and it broke her. That man had some strange fantasies and she took all she could take. And then he broke her down, piece by piece until that strong woman was nothing but the one thing she hated, weak." He says sadly.

"I only found out that part when I seen an old friend who knew her. And was told all that, I know there's more to it but never found out. I actually tried to call, which no surprise, the number was changed. Even went to the house they lived in, they moved and no one knew where." He is getting pissed talking about it.

I can see the turmoil in his face, and regret for not helping her.

"Seems like karma has given you another chance brother. Make things right for her and you. Your ole lady needs to know this also." Is the only advice that as a Prez can give.

Len walks up with fresh drinks, and ask if we still want to have this as a stop for our run. Hell yes we do. For more than one reason now. Our Queen is found and she will never leave us again, I vow to myself.

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