Chapter 43

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I really hate flying. Really hate it. It took me a few hours to fall asleep, but then I was out.

Lita woke me long enough to get into the car. I'm still fucking wore out.

"It's the damn time change Sami. Gets to me too." Lita says yawning.

"Talon text me that he's at home not the clubhouse." Padre says, sliding into the seat.

I sigh, "ok. I'm ready for my damn bed."

"It's been a damn long say for sure. You sure you don't want to come home with us?" Lita ask.

Chuckling," yeah that'd go over well wouldn't it." I have to laugh.

Padre looks serious, "he would never hurt you over that would he?"

"Of course not. But can you imagine him banging on your door looking for his ole lady?" I say almost laughing to hard.

Shaking his head at me, " your bikers are very odd at times Angel." He says.

Lita burst out laughing, "papa, you have no clue."

He looks at us and says "and people think us Italians are crazy".

My phone buzzes with a text from Luke. He's found a property for me to look at. Finally, something good from the past few days.

Lita bumps my shoulder,"what's that smile for? Your man ready for you?" She says giggling.

"No. It's actually about something I was going to talk to you both about." I tell her.

They look at me and nod. "I was thinking about that damn money Geno left me. And my oldest son suggested I use it to help others, a place for woman to learn self-defense, and living quarters above it for the ones who have no place." I tell them.

"That's a good idea Sami" Lita says smiling.

"Angel, I could have given you money to do that, if that's what you wanted" Padre says.

"I know. But until he said that, I hadn't thought of it. You know that I want to help, but I need to step away from retrievals for awhile. And to me, this is my way of helping." I say

Hoping he isn't disappointed in me.

"I understand that. You sound like you've given this alot of thought." Padre says.

Nodding, "I have. Was thinking of a training area, weight area, yoga area, and a ring to spar. I'd like to convert the area above to have a few 1,2 and 3 bedrooms with own bathrooms. I still have contacts in the MMA circle." I say.

 Nodding at me, "As do I Angel. If there's anything we can help with, let us know. I want to help with this also" he smiles.

That makes me happy to know he is behind me on this. "Thank you. That means so much to me." I say, leaning to kiss his cheek.

The car is slowing down, we are at my house. I didn't realize we were here already.

Padre steps out of the car, kissing my cheek and a hug. "Keep me posted on your project." He says.

"I will" I say turning to see my man looking at me.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now