Chapter 29

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Fucking with a new charter Prez is funny. They don't know how to take my attitude. But, Talon said to be myself. So that's what they get.

"You doing better Gage?" I ask the prospect, sliding onto a stool.

"Yeah, thanks Sami. All better." He says, sliding me a shot.

"Gotta take care of yourself, I sure as hell don't want that to happen again. If we'd been somewhere unsafe, you could have been hurt." I say, looking him in the eyes.

He blushes, " you're right. I'm sorry. I'll do better."

Shaking my head at him, "no sorry needed son. It's my place to worry about my family".

Taking my shot, I down it. He lifts a brow, "not a shot. I'll take a 3 wise men"

"Got it. But you sure? That's strong Sami."

Nodding, "yep very sure. It's been a long day"

"Sure has. How you feeling?" Becki ask, sitting next to me.

"I'm good. Tired but I know we need be here for awhile tonight. Hence, the drink. If I'm going be here, might as well get drunk for once huh?" I say, sipping my drink.

Laughing, "yeah well, you haven't been here completely fall down drunk, I'm looking forward to that. Gage, I'll have the same."

"Becks, it's strong as fuck. You sure " I hear him tell her.

Smiling," I gotta keep up with my girl don't I?" She says.

He catches my eye, I nod.

Putting the drink in front of her, I'm watching her reaction. I can't help but chuckle.

Taking a sip, "what the fuck is in this? Damn that's strong, but fuck if it doesn't go down smooth." She says, sipping more.

"The only 3 wise men I know. Johnnie, Jack and Jim." I say, taking another sip.

She giggles, "yeah well, from what I heard, there was only 1 Wiseman in your room here last night"

Spitting my drink out, fuck. I forgot to fuck with Ice today about that.

Looking to her, "what are you talking about Becks? I stayed here and Talon went home. Didn't need all his caring shit after what happened yesterday." I say with a straight face.

She turns to look at me, shocked almost whispering." Sami is something wrong with you and Talon? Ice got a text asking who was in you and talons club room. Because there was someone screaming Gunners name, I'm here if you need to talk."

Shaking my head, "nope. Fine as fuck" I'm trying not to laugh. But she seriously thinks I cheated on Talon. Finishing my drink, tapping the bar top, "another Gage."

I can't help but laugh when I look over to her. Her face, shows all the anxiety she's feeling.

I can't do this to her, Ice though? Yeah that I can.

Leaning over to her, "Becki, I didn't cheat on Talon. He was there too. Don't you dare tell Ice that." I say laughing.

Shocked, she stammers," you better tell me the details woman."

I know I can trust her, hell I can trust Ice, I know we were loud but didn't care.

"Becks, come on, let's find a table and we can talk." I say standing up, heading to my table in the back. Gage, keep em coming brother." I throw over my shoulder. Feeling the alcohol kick in.

Sliding into the seat, I look at the bar. Taking in all that I call family now.

"Spill it Sami, I can't wait to hear this" she says, taking a drink.

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