Chapter 60

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Sliding into the passenger seat, she's surprised.

Lifting my brow, "You thought I was riding?"I ask her.

"Yeah, you are a biker Gunner. That would be the most logical thought." She smirks back.

"Not this trip. You're stuck with me babe." I say as we roll out.

"Of course I am. Stubborn ass men." She mumbles out.

Not going to argue, I'll just sit here until she talks. Losing myself in thoughts, I have to smile. Prez was pissed I wouldn't stay behind.

*_"Gunner you're not going. She'll have a fit.." He growls out.*_

*_"Too bad. This time she's not going alone. It's time she understands that we are being her on these jobs. Although,this is personal for her." I reply*_

*_"Good luck getting in her truck then. Pisses me off I can't be there to help. But, I know where she's coming from. Fuck Gunner. You know if it goes bad, and she calls Chaos, there'll be a shit storm no one has ever seen." He states.*_

I'm brought out of my head hearing her on the Bluetooth.

Her voice is raised, clearing my thoughts.

"Padre, I know. I should have called you first but, well, I didn't think."She says.

"You were trained to think first. Plan and then act. What's gotten into your thinking Angel." Padre replied.

"This is for Nessa, I didn't stop and think. Undertaker is setting a meet up with their Prez, I want to make sure he didn't know what his prospect was doing before I kill him." She says.

"Damnit Angel. You should have my men with you. I'll send them on their way now, matter of fact, I think I'll join in this meeting. And don't even think of saying no. Hang on a minute, a friend just walked in." He says covering the phone.

She looks at me and that look is pissed. I shrug knowing to open my mouth isn't good.

"Angel, word is that the man you're looking for has also pissed off someone else." Padre says laughing.

"That's funny why Padre?" I ask him.

"Well hello Gunner. I see she couldn't get away without one of her men going. It's funny because Chaos just walked in. And it happens he's looking for him also. And wanted to talk to me about contacting my Angel." Padre says.

"Why is Chaos wanting him?" She ask.

"Hang on, I'll put it on speaker" Padre states.

"We're both here Angel." Padre says.

"Angel, it's been a long time." Chaos states.

"I know Cha. It's been hectic lately. I miss training with you." Sami says.

Chuckling,"You just want to try and kick my ass." He replied.

"We're about an hour out from DDs. I've been pushing as fast as I can. Tisha has a room set up for me. Need me to get you rooms also?" She ask them.

"No Angel. We'll stay at a hotel. Having Chaos around in a club, makes them nervous of him." Padre laughs out.

"He is the one feared by any MC." I say.

"Let's hope my bad side doesn't need to come out and this prospect was working alone. If he wasn't and his Prez knew, I'll rain hell on that club and take the fucking whole club out. Angel, you remember how to set those special charges I taught you?" Chaos ask her.

Grinning, "Hell yeah I do. Haven't had any reason to use them. Yet." She replies.

"Good. See you in an hour or so." Padre says hanging up.

She's silent the rest of the way. I dozed off. Waking when she shakes my shoulder.

"We're here Gunner." She says.

Stretching when I get out, my fucking whole body aches from sitting so long.
The front door opens and a woman comes flying out yelling.

"Fucking bitch! Bout time your ass showed up." She says grabbing Sami into a hug.

"Bitch. Don't even with me. Tisha, this is Gunner, one of my Ol men." Sami replies.

Shocked by this, I can only grin.

"One of. Damn woman how many ya got. And are they as sexy as this one?" Tisha laughs.

"Just him and Tal. And yes he is. We'll talk later. Right now I need a drink and food." Sami says.

Sami wraps her hand around mine. Pulling me into the clubhouse.

As soon as we walked in, Sami was wrapped up in hugh fucker.

"Taker! Too tight. Can't breath." She says laughing.

Letting her go, he nods at me. "You must be Gunner. Padre called me." He says shaking my hand.

"Prez, got a car at the gate. Says they are expected." A prospect says.
The whole room grows silent.

"Damn. They got here fast. Let them in." Undertaker says.

A few minutes go by, when the front door opens. In walks Padre and the biggest man I've ever seen. The room is silent once again.

The man looks over the room until his eyes land on Sami, a small grin forms.

"Get your ass over here Angel, fucking now" He growls out.

She turns around, looks him over, "Or what if I don't big man.?" She says. Not smiling at all, until he starts to move forward.

"Damnit Chaos. I missed you." She says.

He pulls her into a hug as people just gawk looking. Rumor is he isn't one who likes to be touched, yet he's letting my woman hug him.

This is interesting and not sure what to make of it. There's alot I still don't know about this woman.

"Gunner, heard you claimed my little one." Chaos says stepping to me.

Nodding, "That's a personal story not for out here, for Sami to tell." I reply.

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