Chapter 55

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Hearing them out there, is comforting.  I love both of them for being here for me. Each one gives me a part of themselves that is different from the other. Talon is my hard and rough, Gunner is my soft and sweet.

Getting my shower over with, I'm getting dressed when my phone rings. Not bothering to see who it is, I answer.

"Morning Angel. Hope you're awake." Padre says.

"I'm awake. Getting dressed to go look at that building." I tell him.

"We will be there in an hour. I need to talk to you." He says.

Taking a deep breath, "Is everything ok with you Padre?" I asks him.

"Yes, all is good with me. I'll see you soon Angel." He says hanging up.

Padre didn't sound himself. I'm left wondering what's going on. I'll find out soon.

Walking back into the kitchen, Gunner is at the stove cooking.

I have to laugh,"You'd make a good wife someday Gunner."

Shaking his head, he turns and smiles, "Oh really? You need a wife then?"

I start laughing hard, to see and hear him like that.

"Sit and eat." He says sliding a plate towards me.

"Thanks. Gotta be fast, Padre called, have to meet him at the building in less than an hour" I say, taking a bite of omelet.
Damn. He can cook.

"Where's Tal?" I ask.

"Garage." He says, sitting across from me.

I can feel him watching me, and probably wants to talk about my meltdown.

"Say what you need to Gunner. I was in my head last night, and know I shouldn't have been." I say in between bites.

"Just know that I do love you, and I'm here if you need a shoulder or to talk." He says, staring at me.

Nodding, "I know. I love you too. You're the one person I can say what's on my mind without worry. Means alot to me. I know Tal wishes I'd talk more to him, but, it's different with you somehow."

"It's different because we were friends first, never had a woman who treated me like you have." He says standing up.

I look over at him,"How's that?"

He walks to me, bends down to hug me from behind,"Like I'm more than a piece of ass."

I have to laugh at that. "You are more than a piece of ass Gunner. Shame no woman can see that. One day, you'll find one who is worthy of Ole Lady status."

He stands, walking to the garage, could have swore I heard him say, "I have, if only she could see that. You."

I'm sitting here almost in shock. Did he really say that?

My mind starts racing, what the fuck? The nights I've spent with them both were one of the best ones I've ever had.

That feeling of having two men worship me. Showing me I'm worthy of their love. It was just sex right? Shaking my head at myself, no way would they both want to be a permanent three person couple. Would they? My heart races just thinking of that.

Putting my plate and cup in the dishwasher, I walk to the door of the garage.

Watching them both, they each have a part of me that I need. Feeling me watching, they both look up at me and smile.

I walk past them, going to my truck, as I pass by, "I love both of you." As I get in my truck and start it.

I look up when I hear their bikes start, both looking at me,  then Tal gets off his and walks to my door.

Leaning in to kiss me, "I can handle that my Queen. This is something that needs talked about later." He says walking away.

He nods at Gunner and smiles.

Gunner nods and they take off.

Driving to the building, I need to focus on this project. My phone rings, I push Bluetooth to answer.

"Hello?" I speak.

"Sami girl, got a few mins to talk"? Bear asks me.

"Of course I do for you" I laugh.

"Great. I have a few guys wanting to talk to you about your gym. And being instructors." He says.

"I'm on my way to talk to the realtor now. Soon as I have the building, I'll need the guys, I want them to see it and tell me what they need to make it work" I tell him.

"Awesome. Soon as you know, we can meet you there" he tells me.

"Ok. I'll text ya later with details Bear. Later bro" I say hanging up.

My mind goes back to earlier thoughts of Talon and Gunner.

Fuck! Does he know what I really meant when I said I loved them both? I am confusing myself now. Shaking my head of those thoughts, I need to focus on the project before that.

Pulling up to the building, I look at it and visualize what it could be. Hell yes. I know we can make this work.

I'm talking with the realtor when I see Padre walk in and behind him is Bull.

Smiling at me as he gives me a hug, "Angel, is this the building you want?" He asks me.

Nodding, "Yes it is. It's perfect for what we want to do." I say.

He turns to the realtor, "Any details that needs done, contact my lawyer. He will get it all prepared and money transferred." He says handing the man his card.

I'm staring at him, "Padre, I'm capable of buying this building. You don't need to do this."

Padre nods, "I know you can. But, this is a gift." He says, not looking me in the eyes.

"Padre, I know when you can't look me in the eye that something is up. Please don't hold things back from me." I state.

Taking my arm, he walks us away from everyone.
"You are like my blood Angel. Some things tho maybe should not be discussed." He says.

I almost glare at him, "I understand that. But this involves my work."

Bull steps up to us, "Sami, that fight you saw me in? Well, someone made a very large bet on it. That fight had been scheduled for over 6 months. The winnings were to be given to you as a gift." He says.

"I'm sorry. I'm confused. That was before you knew me Bull." I stammer out.

"I heard of you a long time ago. This person wished to remain anonymous. Please just accept this gift." He says walking away.

Padre shakes his head, gives me a kiss on the cheek, "This building will be yours before the day is over." He tells me.

I can only stand there, confused as he leaves me.

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