Chapter 36

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Talon ~

Riding back home, I watch her carefully. I really didn't mean to listen to that whole conversation. I tried to hang up but felt I needed to listen. It explains more about her though. I never felt pity, just more understanding I guess. Instead of going home she stops at the clubhouse.

Parking our bikes, she sits there looking around. As if her mind is made up, she gets off her bike.

Turning to look at me, "you coming ole man?" She laughs out.

I follow her through the doors, she heads to the bar. Sitting in between Ice and Gunner. I walk behind her, sliding my arms around her waist. She leans back and smiles up at me. Ice and Gunner just stare at her, and I know she's gonna go off if they don't stop. "Stop it guys."I growl out.

She looks at each one, then at me. Her smile falters, "you weren't alone listening in were you?" She asks me.

I can only shake my head no.

Before I can explain, Gunner speaks up, "no he wasn't Sami. Us three were there. When you didn't check in, we were worried. Me and Ice headed to my room to get started on where you were, Prez wasn't to far behind, as he stepped in my room, his phone rang." He says.

Ice tugs my hand," we love you. Always have your back babe." He says.

"I guess you now know a few of my secrets and part of my shameful past." She says, with a choke in her voice.

"No shame should be there. You took that pain and turned into something to be helpful." Gunner states.

"That conversation will never go any farther than us 4." Ice says.

She nods. Then looking at us,"please never pity me." She says.

"Never pity my love. Never pity." I whisper into her ear. S

he nods,"ok then. Let's shoot some pool" she says pushing off her stool.

"You know, she is one tough bitch." Gunner says. Watching her walk to the pool tables.

"Yeah, I agree for sure." Ice says laughing.

We all turn with our backs on the bar, watching.

"Prez, it has to be said. What we heard, gave me chills. The way her voice was remembering her past. Do you think that part of her past will catch up to her?" Ice says, looking at Sami.

Shaking my head,"hell if I know. But, I'll do whatever I can to not let that happen" I tell them.

Gunner growls out,"me too."

Hearing laughter, I look at Sami, she's kicking Hawks ass in pool. Hawk slings an arm around her, looking at me and points, she laughs again.

Shaking her head,walking to take her shot. "Hey TAL, Tango here thinks he can kick my ass in shooting targets. Wanna try that theory out?" She yells.

"Don't do it Tango, you'll lose" Gunner yells out.

Ice sits there laughing, I can only shake my head. Tango doesn't know she's been trained to shoot. He's good but I have a feeling, she's better.

Pushing off the bar, "only one way to find out." I yell across the bar. I turn to walk out the back door.

"Slow down Sami" Hawk says behind me.

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