Chapter 21

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Sami ~

Walking back out in the bar, other members have started arriving for the run. This place is gonna be packed before the days over.

"Need anything Sami?" Gunner ask, turning to me.

"I'm good. Thanks. Gonna make sure prospects have the back ready for tents and shit."

I say, walking towards the back.

Becki follows me, "prospects did a good job getting it ready. I'm guessing there will be at least 40 tents tonight and few more tomorrow. We have the inside rooms ready for the officers though if they choose to sleep inside."

Chuckling, I say over my shoulder, "damn good thing we have all these acres for this stuff."

"Yeah. Most definitely. I have a few members from others charters I want you to meet later." She stopped walking, grabbing my arm.

Turning to her, "ok. Is something wrong.?"

She glances around, "not really wrong, just a feeling I have."

We're at the back part of the back yard now, didn't realize we had kept walking while talking.

Turning to look at the back of the clubhouse, I'm amazed that there are so many here already. And it's a damn good sight. This is my first run this big, and around so many members.

"Becks, I've had a feeling all day. I think mine is nerves. We are the mother chapter, and I haven't met alot of others, yet." I state, getting nervous now. Fuck. Why did I have to think on things like that.

She laughs, "oh yeah. Tonight is going to be an eye opener for sure. I do need to talk about something though." She say, squatting to sit on the grass.

Eyeing her, she's sliding to the ground to sit, I do the same. "Sure. What's on your mind.?"

She looks at the clubhouse then at me. "Just a heads up, in case,"

Not sure I'm following her here. "In case?" Getting a little concerned now

"With other chapters coming in for the run, I'm hoping that certain ones don't show up." She says looking at the ground.

"Ok, and why is that? Do I need to be worried about my boys being around here?" I ask, trying to calm this feeling down.

"Hell no. But, sometimes, other charters bring their own women, including club whores." She says almost in a whisper.

"Sure, I understand that. Long as they stay away from my son's." I tell her, I'm not worried about that.

She looks at me, "and your ole man" smirking.

The tone of her voice tells me, there's gonna be an issue about him being my ole man.

I'm thinking and then it hits me. "So, one of the club whores from another charter, Talons been with and she thought it was more?" I ask.

She half-assed laugh," yeah something like that."

"Ok and?" I say, wanting to hear more. I don't hold the past whores he been with against him.

Looking at the clubhouse, she goes on, "he didn't fuck her, we were there on a run, he got drunk and passed out in his room. Our room was next to his, with a shared bathroom in between the rooms, we knew he was passed out. I went to the bathroom, she

didn't know I was in there. I overheard her on her phone, saying she was gonna make it look like they fucked, and she's going to give him a blow job so the "mess" would be evidence. Thinking that would be reason for him to consider her as ole lady material." She breathlessly gets out.

"What the fuck? Are club whores really that stupid, thinking the president of the mother chapter was that gullible?" I ask out loud.

She's laughing now, "yeah this one was. She hadn't been with that charter long. When I went to tell Ice, he was furious. He busted in there while she was sucking his dick. Talon was still passed out, Thought she was gonna bite it off when he stormed in there yelling. He pulled her by the hair off him, and dragged her to his door, when he opened it, there was a crowd gathering already, hearing him yelling and her screaming." She's laughing now.

Shaking my head, " what happened to her.?"

She glances around, "that charter Prez gave her a one time pass because she was new. When Talon found out, he was pissed. I guess this new whore was that clubs Prez favorite. Talon finally gave in, agreeing she could stay but she ever pulls that shit again, she was out no matter what."

Glancing at her, " so she got a pass, and no more issues?"

"Not that I know of, but, that charter is coming tonight. So we'll see." She says, standing up. "Cherry is her name, and I'll let ya know if I see her. You'll have to be introduced to the charters, and the members, which will include the whores. So, I'm telling you this, to be prepared. No one has ever seen Talon with an ole lady. He's never had a woman on the back of his bike either. This should be interesting." She laughs, stepping to me, and pulling me in for a hug.

Great, just fucking great. I guess it's time to head inside to mingle. We're almost to the back door when a voice stops me, it's vaguely familiar. Turning, I scan the area, trying to find the source of that voice. So many guys, I look over. None look familiar. Hmm maybe my mind tricking me. Shrugging, I turn to go inside. That was strange though.

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