Chapter 35

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How did I keep it together, I don't know. My hands are shaky now.
And I have to tell my son a lie. That his father was killed by his
girlfriend. When in fact, it was his wife.
This secret, will bury me one day, I just know it.
Shaking my head, to clear it.
Pull up your big girl panties, get it out of your head. Never think
back on it again. I tell myself. Don't remember the good times.

Hearing the back door open, I look up to see my son's walking in
looking concerned.

I give them a smile, "would you boys sit here please. We need to talk." I say.

They look at each other, as they sit down, Bub ask, "what's going on momma?"

I try to think, the best words to tell them. I can't do it. I look over
to Talon, I shake my head , stand and walk away. Mumbling,"I can't do this".

The boys are clearly confused, looking at me. "Mom, what's going on?" Bub ask.

Gunner walks to me, pulling me into a hug, telling me "be strong babe. They need to hear it from you."

Letting his arms comfort me, I nod and walk back to my sons.

"There were detectives here, well, fuck. Um, Bubba, your father, um, he's gone. I'm sorry son. No other way to tell you." I say sadly.

Bubba looks at me, nodding. A tear slides down his face, " I knew
something happened momma. I dreamed it. He was my father,but
didn't act like it."

Bub leans into his brother, "we're here for you. We all are." He says.

Looking at me, bub ask, "what happened.?"

Talon holds my hand and speaks, "it was a murder suicide. I'm sorry sons."

Bubbas breath hitches, I know what he's thinking. Many many years ago, he lost someone else that way.

"He killed himself?" Bubba ask.

Shaking my head, "no son. His girlfriend killed him and then herself." I say.

He sits there a few minutes, thinking on that. He nods, "ok. Do we bury him now?"

This son of mine, still so caring, breaks my heart. So forgiving. Talon speaks up,"there's something else. He had a lockbox with papers in it." He slide the box to them. Missing the insurance policy.

I watch my boys look through it, reading old cards and looking at
the pictures. Laughing with each other, over memories with them.
We sit and watch. No one speaking, allowing them this quiet time.

"Thank you momma." Bubba says to me. "I know he was a shitty father, but he did give you me. And for that,I'm thankful. I will try to only remember the good from him." He says, tears in his eyes.

"Son, it's fine to grieve for you father. No need to feel like you can't." I tell him, wiping his tears.

"It's hard to grieve for someone who wasn't what he should have been." Bub says. "But she's right Bubba, you let it out when you want."

Talon stands, pulling him into a hug. "We're all here for you boys, no matter what."

They nod, and Bub looks at me,"what did you pull out before Talon gave us the box?

Handing him the insurance policy, "he wanted to make sure we were taken care of, he may have been an ass,but he was a good man at one time" I say.

They look at it, reading and Bubs eyes widen, "holy fuck. Is this for real?" He ask, looking at me.

I nod, "that money will last you boys the rest of your lives. You'll have everything you've ever wanted now."

Taking my hand, he says,"momma, we have everything we need, you made sure of that. This is just a bonus. From our jobs at the shop, we've got a good chunk saved up already."

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now