Chapter 40

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Hugging her to leave is one of the hardest things I've had to do.

"I love you sweetheart." I whisper against her lips.

Kissing me, she sighs," I know Tal, I love you too. I'll let you know when we land." She says, getting in the car.

Ice stands besides me, watching the car pull away. "Prez, she's going to be fine. You know that. Just be here for her when she gets back." He says.

"I know. But, fuck man, she's so deep in me, Ice, I've never felt this way and it still kinda worries me. Like I'm going to fuck it up somehow." I say, not wanting to admit it.

"That's the way that love goes. The intenseness of being with each other. The feeling of being complete. That's what I have with Becki." He states proudly.

Slapping his shoulder, turning to go in the clubhouse. "I'm going back to sleep for awhile" I tell him. laying on our bed, my mind races about it all. Finally, sleep takes me. Thank fuck for that.

Hours later, I wake, reaching for Sami, only to realize she's not there. Fuck. I hate this shit.

Getting dressed, I head to the bar room.

Sitting at the bar, my phone beeps with a text. "Left a present for you. My angel doesn't know anything about it. Have fun. Shed." Padre text.

Shaking my head, I show Ice the text. He smiles and yells for Hawk, Gunner and Razor.

They look at the text, looking confused.

"Well, let's go see what our present it, shall we?" I say walking to the back door.

How the hell did he get into the shed? Never ceases to amaze me the power Padre has.

Gunner opens the door, walking in, he laughs. The rest of us walk in. I have to laugh, there's a man strapped on a chair, completely nude with a fucking bow on his head.

"What the fuck? Who is this?" Hawk asks.

Razor walks up to the man, "hey Prez, there's a note for you. Says, have fun, her granddaughter and mom will be safe now."

Gunner looks at us, grins, then walks to the man, "looks like we get to finish this piece of shit woman abuser. You fucked with the wrong woman boy. Never will a female cower at your hands again." Punching the man, hard enough to topple the chair over.

Hawk looks at me,"you know she's gonna be pissed that she isn't the one ending him."

"Wha what are you talking about. I never hurt anyone from this club." The man cries out

. Standing with my arms across my chest, "well, you see, it wasn't a direct member, but the mother of my ole lady's granddaughter." I get out.

"Boy, do you know who you're fucking with now?" Ice growls.

"I've seen the people you've ran with, so, I know you'll understand when I tell you, angel of death is her name." Gunner spits out.

The mans face falls, he knows who we are talking about.

He's shaking his head, "no no no. That woman doesn't exist, a legend is all it is." He stammers out.

I laugh at him, "all the stories of how evil she is, they are true. All the pain she can inflict, is true."

"Wait, wait. I have information, information to give her then, just spare my life." he says.

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