Chapter 9

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Talon ~
Watching her walk out the door, I can only smile. This bitch has got to be the craziest I've ever met. I have never met a woman that fucks with my head like she does. It's as if I need her to
breath, to live. I'm out of my league here. I've never done the relationship thing before but feel like I can with her. If only I can convince her the same, to give this thing between us a shot.

"Sami, you lead and we'll follow." Ice says as he's sliding his leg over his bike.

She's starts say something and her phone rings, glancing down at it she huffs, fuck!
"Padre, I'm leaving now. Oh ok. Um, I guess I can. Be there soon. Rispetto e amore Padre. " She says, looking confused.

Sarge is looking nervous at her confusion. " You ok Sami girl?.

Letting out a breath, "yeah but he's asking me to not drive there myself." She says.

Perfect timing huh? I'm thinking to myself. "Well come on sweetness, hop on. You can ride with me. " I chuckle. I'm the only one she rides with; she just doesn't know it yet.

"Fine. But this is bullshit. I'm worried why he wants me with someone not my truck. " She pouts. But she's so cute doing that.

It didn't take long to get there, following her directions. This isn't where I'd imagine a meet to take place. A damn restaurant. Of course, Italian at that.

She slides off my bike, looking concerned. But shakes it off. Something's not right with her.

The door has 2 of the biggest Italian men I've ever seen guarding it. She strolls right up to them, and they fucking smile at her. They both grab her, and each kiss a side of her face. I look at Ice, he just shrugs.

I move to her back and a low growl comes out, what the fuck? Not what I intended to hear. How did I do that and not realize it.

She looks back to me and smiles, " cool it with the possession bullshit. These men will never hurt me. Would you boys? "

The first one shakes his head as the second one says tightly "never you, but him on the other hand, I may if he doesn't step back from you." Glaring at me.

"Easy Tony, he's my club Prez and would never hurt me either. He's just concerned for me. Stop being an overprotective asshole." Sami chuckles.

"You mean too much to us for me to not be protective of you. It's a little hard seeing this." Tony whispers to her, but loud enough I can hear. He steps back to let us enter the door. Sami goes in first, I follow, not missing the look on his face. He's in love with her.

Wonder if she knows this. Shaking my thoughts, I'll ask her later about this.

Walking to the rear of this place, Sami slows at the table, where she instantly smiles at the man there. His face lights up seeing her.

" My Angelo della morte. I've missed you. " He says sweetly.

Standing to kiss her cheeks. Glancing at us, he walks around her, holding his hand out to shake ours. "You are her club brothers correct? So very nice to meet you all. And to know that my Angel is safe with you." He says as if we know what that means.

Shaking his hand, I introduce us all to him. He turns, saying "please sit, and drink with us" as he's sitting back down, Sami sits next to him, looking as she fits right in with these men. I am shocked to say the least.

Who would have thought that our Queenie was involved with these men? Definitely an eye opener for sure. As I sit here watching and trying to listen, I can't take my eyes off her.

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