Chapter 47

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I hear the door shut. I'm tired but my mind won't stop.

As much as I hate to admit it, today fucked with me bad.

It could have been worse, I know that. But, damn, I could have gotten killed.

I think about my boys. And if something happened to me, it would
be bad for them. Hell, it's been me and my sons for so long. They have the club, I know they'd be taken care of.
But, I want to be here. See my sons happy. See my grandchildren.
Can't do that dead can I?

I finally realized that I need to step back from doing the retrievals.
I can still help tho.

A knock on the door startles me.

"Come in" I laugh out.

"How ya feeling momma?" Bub asks me.

"Better now. You boys doing ok?" I ask.

Nodding," Bubba's at the house with Jen and Roni. I don't think he
can take seeing you like this. I did tell him more about what you do, he said his momma is a hero." He says proudly.

"No hero here. But, I'm happy you talked to him about that. I was
thinking it's time you met Padre. So you know the family I've gotten close to. If you want that is." I say.

"I'd like that Mom. I was thinking earlier, and maybe you need to step away from it for awhile." He says, looking down.

I see he's worried. And I hate I've done that.

"I've been thinking about that also. I've got a plan in mind. The gym is the first of it." I say hoping he knows I've realized I need out.

"Good. I'll help any way I can, so will Jen. They wanted to come see you but I didn't know how Roni would take seeing you hurt." He says.

"I don't want her seeing this." I state.

Nodding, "I'm gonna let you rest mom. Love you." He says leaning to kiss my cheek.

"Love you too son. I'm going to rest." I say, snuggling best I can in my bed.

Laying here, my mind is full of ideas. It won't settle down. Trying to calm myself, I need to concentrate on one thing at a time.

The guys checked out the building, and it's what I want.So that's one thing done.

Once I have the trainers, they can tell me what equipment they need. That way, any renovations can be done as we go.

The apartments upstairs will be done by the construction crew from the club.

Finally, my mind is calming down, I can rest. I can't sleep but it's peaceful now.

Grabbing my phone, I call Padre.

"Angel, how are you?" He asks.

"I'm actually good. I've got some ideas I needed your opinion on." I say.

"Ok. Anything you need, just ask." He states.

I tell him about my ideas, and how I need to stop doing retrievals, and be in the background to help. He has a few people he can trust to do the actual retrievals. And is willing to help with renovations also.

We talk for awhile before I get tired. His opinion means more to me than most.
I tell him about tomorrow night and the fights. He also has contacts he's going to get ahold of.

Hanging up, I feel better now.
I feel like a weight has been lifted from me.I actually feel at peace.

I'm dozing off when I hear the door open.

Looking at the door, I see my man. And damn if it isn't a sight.

Standing there at the dresser, he takes his shirt off, then his boots. Watching him, makes me want to lick him all over.

As if he senses me watching, he chuckles. "Babe, keep that up, and I'll have to fuck you." He states in a low

"Maybe that's what I want." I say, with desire in my voice.

He unbuttons his jeans, leaning over to give me a kiss.

"You need rest. Going to shower and hold my woman tonight." His voice low and sexy.

I can't help but pout. "Fine. But it's not rest I need." I growl out.

"Woman you drive me insane sometimes."  He says walking to our

Fuck that. I don't want rest.

I get up and strip down, the damn sports bra has to stay, but the
rest is gone.

Getting back in bed, I lay there until I hear the shower stop.

When I know he's walking out of the bathroom, I slide my hand to
my pussy.

Watching him, he growls, I know he likes this.

Rubbing my clit, I slide my other hand down and push a finger in my pussy.

Fuck, I see his cock hard and precum glistens. He strokes himself a few times before kneeling on the bed.

"Babe you know I can't stop myself when you do that." He says

Lowering his head to my pussy, his breath sends a jolt. Slowly his
pushes my hands away, licking each finger."Mine" he growls out.

My back arches when his tongue slides across my clit.Fuck that feel good.

His finger pushes into my pussy, and then another. He crooks his fingers to hit the spot that sends me over as he finger fucks me and sucking my clit.

"Fuck babe." I yell out.

I know he feels my pussy tighten, almost ready to explode again.

He slides up my body, positioning his cock, I lead him inside my pussy.

He thrust slow and hard. Each time pulling his cock out until just the head is in me.

"Fuck me damnit " I say, trying to get more friction on my clit.

He smiles, leaning to claim my mouth, biting my lip as he lets go.

His thrust get more needy as he goes, I feel his cock swell, and I stop moving. Smiling at him, he knows what I'm doing.

That only makes him fuck me harder and faster. The way I want it right now.

Fuck the pain in my shoulder, I need this.

His thrusts are good and long, my pussy needs release, I slide my hand to my needy clit.

He watches me rub and pull my clit, I feel him swell up, my rubbing gets harder, my swollen clit is almost there, I'm almost ready, I feel his finger go to my ass, as he pushes it in, it sends me over the fucking edge.

My pussy walls milk his cock at the same time I come. His finger in my ass, slowly moves more, in and out.
My pussy clenches at that, I feel his cock harden again.

"I want your ass babe, I'll get you ready for my cock." He says, as
he starts thrusting more into my pussy.

"Fuck me. That feels too good Tal. Don't stop." I say.

Flipping me over, I'm on all fours. Shaking from the excitement.

His finger is replaced with the head of his cock, lubing up from our juices, he pushes in, the pain isn't much, my asshole adjust, he's sliding in slowly, I feel full but damn does it feel good.

He goes slow, letting me adjust. His hand goes to my clit, doesn't take long for me to come again, his thrust are faster now.

He growls out,"your ass is perfect. Fuck this is heaven".

I feel him swell and know he's ready to come, he rubs my clit harder frantically.

"I'm coming Tal. Harder." I yell out.
My pussy is throbbing, soon as I start coming, he pulls out and comes on my pussy.

"Wow. That was fucking intense" I breath out.

Taking a minute to catch his breath, he gets up, "don't move" he says. Going to the bathroom.
Walking back with a warm rag, he cleans me up.

"I'm so sorry babe. I didn't plan on that." He says.

Shaking my head," I enjoyed it just as much as you did". I tell him.

Laying in his arms, I can't believe how lucky I am. I never thought I could be loved like this.

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