Chapter 61

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Chaos puts me down, turning to look at Gunner. I can't help but smile. Some find him scary , but I know who he is deep down. Don't get me wrong, he's a badass fucker who can kill with a flick of his wrist, but with me, he's shown caring for me.

"Chaos, be nice. No need to be concerned that Gunner would hurt me." I say, squeezing his arm.

"Hmmm. If he does, I kill him. The voices will not let that go." He replies.

"Follow me. Tisha will bring in food." Taker says walking towards the back.

We follow him to the meeting  room. As we all sit, Tisha walks in with a prospect, setting dishes on the table.

"Figured better to eat and plan." Taker states.

My right side has Chaos and left has Gunner. Across is Padre. Head of the table is Undertaker, followed by his VP, Enforcer, then a few of Padres men.

"Seems like this so called prospect, has at least 3 people in this room wanting to see him take his last breath." Taker says, looking at me, Padre and Chaos.

"The very first woman that Sami helped, is why me and her are here. It is her neice that is in trouble. Chaos wants him, for another reason. Which is all that needs to be said." Padre says.

I turn to look at Chaos, he gives a little shake that only I seen.  I know he's a killer but he also doesn't let Innocents get hurt. That's a story I want to hear.

"Did you get a meet set up with Devil?" I ask.

Nodding, "Yes. He wanted to know about what. I told him he has a prospect that likes to beat women. He flat out denied knowing anything. I informed him that if this prospect ran, then Devil and his club would deal with the fallout." Taker says.

"And his reply?" I ask him.

Scoffing, "He was cocky until I said it would be bad for Chaos or Padre to handle that. He shut up real fast." He states.

"He wants to meet in neutral territory. I agreed. Down by the docks." He says.

Laughing, "I own the docks." Padre spits out.

I have to laugh now. Shaking my head. "What time?" I ask him.

"In the morning. 9 am." He says as his phone starts ringing.

Answering it, he glances at me, and nods for me to follow.

I step out behind him. Waiting for him to be done.

"Devil wants to meet now. He says he was informed that Padre and Chaos were in town. The prospect is at the woman's place, sitting outside watching her every move. My man is still watching also. He doesn't know that the Angel of Death is here yet." Taker says.

"Give me 45 minutes before telling the guys I'm gone. I can't thank you enough for this. Let your guy know I'll be there. Does he have things ready?" I ask.

"Your men are going to blow a fucking gasket. Chaos is going to destroy my clubhouse. You better make those minutes count darlin. When you've got that fucker, let me know and we'll head to the warehouse. Go to the one you trained in. Remember the code, go to the basement where the tunnels split. Take the left. There's a special cell for you to use. Love you Angel girl. Be safe." Undertaker says, hugging me.

Nodding, "Love you too my friend. I owe you now. Take care of my guys. I'll have my comms on, but only you know that. Make sure your guy records this for proof to Devil about what's been going on. If anything happens to me. Make sure they know, I did this on my own." I say, turning to walk out the back door.

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