Chapter 20

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Sami ~

That man seriously fucks with my head. I'm chuckling as I walk into the kitchen.

The sex, fuck, is out of this world. He knows what turns me on, and gets me to orgasm within a few minutes. I have never had a man do that. My other relationships, well, were bland, except for the ex biker, and he was freaky but never gave me what Talon has.

Grabbing a cup of coffee and head to the garage apartment.

I start to knock and notice a note taped to the door.

"Sami, I was up early, sitting outside drinking coffee when Ice, Becki and Hawk showed up. I went with them. See you at clubhouse." Nessa xoxo

Hmm, I bet I know who she rode with. Laughing to myself, I head back downstairs.

I'm still chuckling, when Talon walks out the door.

Striding to his bike, "Let's go babe. Where's Nessa?"

Grabbing my jacket and helmet, walking to my bike, he lifts a brow to me.

"She left with them earlier, so I can now ride my bike." I say

Throwing my leg over, settle my ass in, glancing at him and nod. My baby purrs to life. This feeling never goes away. Each and every fucking time I'm on her, my life makes sense, I belong.

I follow him to the road, then hang back a little. I love watching that man ride. Seeing his leg muscles when he shifts, the flex in his arms. Even through a jacket, those muscles are defined.

The ride doesn't take long, too short today. I want to ride for hours. Hearing my Bluetooth break thru my thoughts, that damn thing scares me sometimes. I touch the button to talk, "Just pulling into the clubhouse. Call back." I bark.

Following Tal, I wait until he's backed up before walking mine back. Sliding the kickstand down, turning her off, he looks at me, "you good? Saw you wobble coming in the gate."

I giggle, "Yeah, damn Bluetooth gets me sometimes."

Coming to me, he takes my helmet off, laughing loudly. "That will happen alot. You'll get used to it."

I shake my head, "Well if I didn't have to wear the stupid thing, I'd be fine."

Leaning into me, "Protection babe. Protection. Besides, it helps my sanity to know you're protected."

"I'd hope you been using protection all along Prez" Ice is smirking.

Turning to him, trying my best to have a shitty look. He burst out laughing.

"Sorry Sami, that look doesn't bother me. Now come on, ya both are late."

Grumbling to him as I walk by him, "we were busy fucking against the wall."

"DAMNIT, too much information. Stop saying those things to me. Ewww, you're like a sister to me." Ice glares at Talon.

Talon stands there laughing so hard, he's bent over. "Sorry, but I can't control her mouth."

Opening the door, I slightly turn, grinning, "only when your cocks in my mouth."

Ice walks in past me mumbling" no no no."

I'm laughing as I step fully in the clubhouse. Everyone turns to look at us. "Y'all know your VP," is all I get out before he's hushing me. Which makes me laugh more.

"I'll tell y'all later." I finally get out.

"Church!" Talon orders. Making me jump, because he's right behind me. "asshole" I mumble to him.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now