Chapter 8

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Sami ~
As he lifts me into his arms. My core is shaken. Why is he doing this. It feels too good. A sense of calm soothes me. But it can't happen. It just can't. I'm broken and dark inside. This man, this club, they don't deserve the hell I'm in.

I know we aren't true one percenters anymore, thankfully, that part is partially true. Just odd runs for guns and drugs, but never the human skin trade. Our club as stated is different than most.

The ole ladies are privy to all information. Seen as an equal in that aspect. They have insights men don't and have helped in many issues. But I know there are things hidden, the men want that way. I can respect that as there are things I don't want known.
How I became the woman I am now.

Shaking my thoughts. Talon sits me down, moving to lock the door. I stare at his back, the ruggedness in his body. The way his muscles flex. Damn he is the sexiest man I've ever seen. I gasp and he turns catching me staring. With a smirk, he calmly asks "like what you see Queenie?"

Smiling to myself, "maybe I do. But doesn't change anything does it?" I quietly say. I am fucked up in the head, I was almost raped yet here I am wanting this man to fuck me.

He stalks over to me, squats down so we are eye level. Pointing to us, "this thing? It's gonna happen and we both know it. I've accepted that and now you should too".

"It's just a sexual attraction Talon. After we fuck, you'll be done with me. I can accept that, so if we fuck, it'll be rough and hard. I don't want caring and sensual. Want no feelings at all and if you can give me rough and hard, I'll take it".

Swiftly he pushes me back. "I will do rough and hard and you'll love it. But you know there's more and I'll wait it out". Sliding his hand to my neck, lightly squeezing enough to make me wet.
Pushing his body onto me. Kissing me with a fire that ignites us both. Sliding his hand down pushing into my pussy, murmuring, "This is mine for tonight. To do what I want right?"
I don't answer, just nod.

"Words baby doll, I need the words or this doesn't happen." He growls.

"Yes, I want this Tal, I want your cock buried in me". I manage to get out.

It's like a switch was flicked, he stands me up and strips my clothes off. "So beautiful, my baby doll". He smoothly says.

I'm nervous and try to cover myself. I know he sees the scars and bruises. He leads me to the shower, I can't believe he called me beautiful after seeing my broken body.

He turns the shower on. Strips his clothes off and oh my God, the man is perfect. Those abs, the muscles in his legs. Makes me wetter than I already am.

He puts me into the shower and gets in behind me. "I'll take care of you sweetheart". As he starts washing my hair and body.

I know his cock is hard as I feel it pressed against my ass. But he doesn't move to fuck me.
I push into him and he chuckles "not yet baby doll".

I'm washed and no more blood on me, I turn to do the same to him and I falter, his face is beautiful in desire. I reach to grab his cock, "baby doll, this isn't where I want our first time, go dry off and lay in my bed. I'll be right there".

Stepping from the shower I do as he says. Self-doubt hits me. I can't do this. He seems to sense my thoughts.

But before I can react, he's out and not even dried off. Pushing me into the bed, stepping into my open legs. He kisses me deep and long, moving down my body with kisses. Until he stops at my core that's aching to be touched.

"Please Tal, I need this". I whisper

"Oh, baby doll, so do I". He says with a whisper that makes me quake.

I lean up to watch him, as he slips his fingers into me. Lapping at my clit. Hitting just the right spots I need. I'm aching for release as he brings me to an orgasm. Wow, that didn't take long. As I'm coming down from my high, he moves up my body and kisses me,
I can feel his cock on my pussy and I crave more, to feel his cock in me, fucking me hard. "Fuck me Talon, now! Need your cock fucking me hard".

"Oh, baby doll, hard is the best way right now. I'll make you forget it all". As he slams into my aching pussy. Hard and fast. Until he can't go in farther. I feel his cock swelling and it brings me another orgasm, as my walls squeeze him, his cock swells and I know he's close, but he stops, slowing down, I try to use my heels to pull him into me.

Shaking his head at me, "easy darlin. I want to make this last. I finally have you". He says, staring into my eyes.

His hips make close circles, my god those hips, perfect. He starts thrusting again, slow then hard, my aching pussy is needing release. I slide my hand to touch my clit, he pushes it away. Shaking his head.

"Tal, I need this now". I barely breath out.

"I've dreamed of this, having you. You're mine Sami. All mine". He says as his thrust get harder and faster.

"Talon, I love your cock in me, fucking me harder with each stroke. Come with me please" I whisper lightly. That's all he needed, as his release follows mine. Never have I felt such pleasure in a man coming in me.

"Fuck baby doll. That was intense. I have never come like that. Fuck. I didn't wrap. I'm sorry. I never forget that. And I got carried away with you. I'm clean" He states.

"I'm clean too. It's not like I fuck just anyone. I'm picky in my cock" I try to joke away this feeling. Lightly blushing. "And your cock is what I want, again" I murmur.

It feels like hours, but laying here dozing off after the best sex I've ever had. It almost feels nice. That thought makes me flinch. No, I can't do this as I look at this man sleeping. I quietly get out of bed, finding my clothes and step to the door. Looking back at him in a peaceful sleep, I need to leave before I give in and lay back down.

A phone started ringing, I'm looking around, I hear it but can't see it. "Fuck!" I say too loudly.

Talon jumps up looking sexy as fuck.

Finding my phone, I see it's my alarm.

"What the fuck baby doll? You sneaking out on me?" He says frantically.

I slowly let or a breath I didn't know I was holding, "told you I didn't do sweet and caring sexy. Beside I have a meeting that I can't miss".

"Wait, you think I'm sexy?" He chuckles.

"Damnit, you know I do or I'd not came so many fucking times. Or enjoyed just lying there in your arms" I say smiling.

"This meeting is important to me. I understand if the club wants to stay away. But, if you go, you'll understand what I've been doing and who I deal with" I'm pulling on my boots, jerking on my jacket along with my holster. Looking back to him for an answer.

Talon quickly stands, heading to me. " You think I'm letting this go? This club is behind you on this". He states.

I shake my head and say as calm as I can "you may regret that soon". Turning to walk out.

He's yelling at me as I open the door, "you are a crazy fucking bitch for sure. In the best sense of those words" he laughs. Following me to the bar.

Sarg looks up as I walk in, grinning. "Bout time you um, woke up. Hahaha"

Ice is staring at us like we've went insane, I guess in a way we have. But then he smiles. And says "glad you've gotten that cleared up. Maybe next time, umm need gag that filthy mouth of hers" smirking at Talon.

"Fuck off Ice, it was just a fuck. Nothing more nothing less". I say glaring at him.

"Bullshit if you think that is all that was woman". Talon states as I walk by him.

"Who's going with to the meeting, I need get going". Walking away shaking my head. What have I gotten myself into with our Prez.

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