Chapter 13

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Talon ~
Hearing her whisper those last words, I know she's been hurt by men, and is trying to let go and trust me.

"Finish up, I'll be in the living room waiting". I'm hoping the next part goes smoothly.

She returns to eating while I go set up a cozy area. I brought a new comforter and massage oils.

Hoping she agrees to this. It'll help her relax. She needs a good body massage. I can admit it, I want my hands all over her body. I tell myself I'm a selfish bastard.

She walks into the living room, looking confused. "If ya wanna fuck, I'd prefer my bed" she says being a smartass.

I chuckle, "no sex. But this does involve you being naked. Strip down, I'm giving you a body massage".

She shrugs, and starts undressing. "I could use a massage" she says laying on the comforter. "Make me feel good Tal".

Damn, I love when she says my name like that. I'm fucking instantly hard. Adjusting my hard cock, maybe I didn't think this through. This is going to kill me.

She is beautiful. Laying there bare. My angel is breathtaking.

Warming the oil in my palms, she shivers. "You cold sweetheart?"

"No. Anticipation Tal". She breathes heavily.

Sliding my hands over her thighs, massaging deeply. She relaxes.

Slowly massaging up to her perfect heart shaped ass, my cock is straining against my jeans. I didn't think this through. Gliding the oils over her, I accidentally graze her pussy lips. A gasp is barely heard. "Sorry sweetheart" I mumble.

Moving to her back and shoulders, I can feel her body totally relax. The tension is no longer there.

"Turn over Queenie. I'll massage the front now" I whisper.

She turns to look at me over her shoulder. " Um um, maybe that's not a good idea Tal". She's staring at my jeans, seeing the outline of how hard my cock is for her.

I have to adjust myself. She watches me, a look of desire flashed over her eyes.

Before I can do anything, she flips over, places her hand on mine. Leans up, kisses me deeply. "Fuck me Tal. I need you. Right here". She breathlessly says.

That's all I needed to hear. I'm kissing her, tongues clashing, trying to get my damn jeans off. She pushes my hands away, "let me do this".

She's killing me here, slowly unbuttoning, pulling the zipper down, grazing my cock, fuck! I'm not gonna last.

As soon as my jeans are off, she pushes me back, sliding her nails over my nipples down to my cock.

"Damn that feels good sweetheart. But I'm not gonna last long, this time" I growl.

She looks up at me, smiling. "Then I better get this one out of the way".

Taking my cock fully in her mouth, sliding her hand to my balls, the tension is building. Fuck, her mouth was made for my cock.

Sucking my cock faster, I feel ready to explode. Tangling her hair in my hands, I thrust up, fucking her sexy mouth. I'm ready and it's gonna be a mess.

As I'm thrusting up, she slide her hand to my ass, what the fuck, I'm coming harder than I've ever come, as her finger slipped in. What the fuck was that? She's swallowing so much, she gags a lil bit. But, doesn't stop milking my cock. Looking up to me, licking her lips, "That was delicious" she smirks.

"Woman, I've never came so fucking hard in my life". I barely get out.

"That was the point darlin". Saying as she trails kisses up to me.

I claim her mouth as if she's the last woman on Earth. Fuck! To me, she is the last woman for me.

"We aren't done yet, my turn now". I whisper in her ear.

"Tal, I want it hard and fast. Need you to be rough" she breaths out.

She wants rough, I'll give it rough.

Flipping her over, my fingers go to her pussy, holy fuck, she's so wet. She's ready for me already.

Lining my cock up to her beautiful pussy, I slam it. She moans, staring in my eyes. "Yes!
Fuck me hard Tal".

Thrusting into her as she wants, I slide a finger to her clit, rubbing it like I know she likes. I feel her pussy start squeezing my cock, making me stroke into her faster. Our bodies slick with sweat, ready to explode together. I lean to kiss her with a passion that is only with us. "You're mine Queenie. I'm am yours. Now and forever" I say into her ear, feeling her shiver. "Let go and let me love you like you need to be loved" I whisper.

She meets my eyes, and I see the walls breaking down. I feel it. She does love me. I see it in her eyes.

"Tal, less talk, more fucking. Please". she growls out. "Fuck me harder Damnit. Make it hurt".

Meeting my thrust, she digs her nails in my back, and I love every minute of it.
Sliding my hands to her neck, I know what she wants. Slightly squeezing, her eyes light up. This is what she wants. More pressure, and I feel her explode and I'm not far behind. Sliding my hands to her clit, I gently rub, coaxing her to come more. My cock is exploding into her sweet pussy.

I fall onto her, totally spent. I roll over and pull her to me. Laying her head on my chest. We are both trying to slow our breathing down.

"That was fucking intense, needed that Tal". She gets out between shaky breaths.

I look at her, and realize that I am definitely in love with her.

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