Chapter 54

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Seeing her walk out that door, felt like I was losing myself.
There's no way I can let her go.

"Get your head out of your ass and go after her." Gunner says.

Storming out the door, I see it's too late. She's pulling out of the compound. "Fuck!" I yell.

Hoping she's going to our place, I jump on my bike. No way can I let her go. I wish she would just open up and let me fully in. Tell me why her heads a mess.
Pulling into our drive, I see her truck.
Thank fuck!

She doesn't hear me enter the house, I hear her mumbling to herself. I stand at the doorway in the dark, just watching her.

Seeing her grab my pillow and inhale, my chest freezes.

Hearing her words to herself, I walk into the room,pulling her to me.

I can never let her go. She is the air I need, the love I have to have.
She just hangs onto me for the longest time.

"Tal, how can I fix this when I don't even know what needs fixed?" She asks.

"Darlin, we will figure it out together. You've been alone thru all the bad shit, but you're not alone anymore. You have me, and the club." I tell her.

Nodding, she moves off my lap to lay down,"can you just hold me Tal?" She murmurs.

Stripping off my clothes, I slide in next to her, pulling her close, "anything you need babe, anything you need".

She dozes off to sleep, yet I keep her close for awhile.

My mind racing over tonight. It won't shut down. And this overwhelming need to take care of her. I think I've lost my mind. This whole fucking club is nuts.

I smile to myself, yeah we're all nuts, but fuck if we don't love this woman.

She rolls over to her side, murmurs and back to sleep.

I ease out of bed, pulling on sweats, I go to the kitchen to make coffee, not gonna be able to sleep.

Movement in the living room catches my eye, "what the fuck are you doing here Gunner?" I almost yell.

He looks over the back of the sofa, "wanted make sure she wasn't leaving" he smiles.

Shaking my head at him, "I can't let her go like that anyway". I state

"Mayhem and the men got the shipment back. No loss on our end thankfully." Gunner says as he's walking into the kitchen.

"Good. This shit has got to stop tho". I tell him

Nodding as he pours coffee, "I think it's going to slow down now, anyone who thinks they can mess with the club has been shown it's not wise."

"Let's hope so. Gunner, she was a mess tonight. I hope I finally shown her that I'm here for her as is the club". I almost whisper out.

"She knows, and it freaks her out I think" he says.

Looking at him, I can see he cares for her, they've become close and she can tell him her demons and more without worry.

"Does she talk to you because she feels she can't me?" I ask.

"At times maybe, you are hard to talk to at times brother" he laughs out.

"I know I'm an asshole. And can be insensitive some. But when it comes to her, I am totally fucking lost on how to handle her" I manage to get out.

Shaking his head, "that's your problem, she doesn't need handled. Treat her as an equal, not someone to be handled. Damn, you sure as fuck don't know anything about females, do you?" He says.

"At least not my female, I don't. But I'm learning real fast." I state.

"For fucks sake stop being a pussy about it" he says walking away, shaking his head.

"Fuck you Gunner. Not being a pussy. Suck my dick asshole". I laugh out.

"I seriously don't want to see Gunner sucking your dick babe". I hear Sami giggle out.

Turning to see her standing there, she's trying not to laugh.

"He couldn't handle my dick anyways darlin." I tell her, looking her up and down. When I get to her face, she smiles and I know things will be fine. That smile lights me up.

Crooking my fingers, "Come here darlin".

She walks to me slowly, with desire in her eyes, sliding her arms around my waist, and grasps me tightly. Looking up at me, "Thanks Tal. I just needed you to put me in the right frame of mind."

Shaking my head, "No babe, just needed someone to take control and take care of you like you deserve." I tell her.

"Sami, you've been through hell and back, more than one person should, but you have us and the club." Gunner says giving her a hug.

She smiles, "I know Gunner, just not used to having anyone other than my boys. And I do appreciate it all now."

Grabbing a cup of coffee, I hand it to her, "We're going to the building soon, need to get started on a list of what needs fixed or updated. The guys can get started as soon as you give the word."

"Ok. I'll call the realtor and have him meet us there. I'd like to get the paperwork done and over anyways." She says, taking a sip of coffee and heading to get ready.

Gunner clears his throat,"You ready for this project Prez? To deal with cage fighters?" He laughs out.

Glaring at him,"For her, I'll deal with the Devil himself."

Laughing at me,"Same here brother, same here, tho, my opinion, you're the fucking Devil I have to deal with."

"That's almost funny, if it wasn't partially true." I laugh out to him.

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