Chapter 23

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" You stupid son a bitch. You think you were going to get away from me?"

I'm pacing the floor of the shed, trying to calm down. I look at this piece of shit. He actually thought he'd outrun my truck. That was until I ran him off the road. Then he was scared like the bitch he is. Having a gun shoved in your mouth would do it.

Turning to him, "you are the lowest of the lowest. How could you touch a child.?"

He lifts his head, shaking it." I didn't hurt her. I wasn't going to".

"Bullshit! She told me you touched her." I scream, my anger rising more and more.

"I wasn't going to hurt her. I have problems, and get stressed." He stammers out.

I walk to him and slam his head into the wall. And slam again. Not enough to kill him, just enough for pain.

"Wh what you gonna do to me?" He cries out. "You can't keep me here."

Looking at him, I smile," oh but I can and I will. You see, the mom and child are safe now. You will never see them again. They've been given a new life, one without you in it and it'll be a very painful ending soon.

"Just kill me and get it over with" he stammers out.

Laughing at him, "oh that's not gonna happen, yet. I have time to make it really hurt." I glare

He's almost in tears, "you're fucking crazy."

I look at him, "that I am" laughing at his face. "I'm crazy because I do this to help women, the ones who are abused and beaten."

"I'm sorry. It'll never happen again, please spare my life." He pleads.

"Do you know what people call me?" I spit at him.

"N no I don't even know who you are" he stammers out

Glaring at him, almost smiling, "they call me Angelo della morte".

Shaking my head, I step outside. Lighting a smoke, waiting on Talon, should be any minute now. It's fucking hot out here, I'm sweating and hope they bring water. I didn't think of that before I got this fucker here. My poor truck, gonna need some work now, but she did her job and I'm thankful Padre gifted it to me.

In a distance, I hear the four wheelers. And they wondered why I bought them. Ha. Guess they know now.

Putting my smoke out, I glance up, well fuck fuck fuck. He brought a few men out here.

Talon pulls up, looking me over. The others stop and look at me, mouths open.

Looking down, I notice, I'm covered in blood. Strange how I didn't notice that before.

"It's not mine" telling them.

Hawk hands me water, "thanks brother. I needed this" Downing the bottle.

He hands me another one. I drink it half down, lowering the bottle. " Why y'all out here for?" I ask.

"Couldn't keep us away after finding out you're such a badass." Chains laughs out.

Looking at the men, seeing a couple I hadn't met." What you see here, goes no farther than this group." I state.

"And if somehow, any of this gets out, it won't be me you'll have to worry about, it'll be the Padre. And I know, this club has good ties with them, but if I get fucked over, who ever spoke will also. Got me?" I growl out.

I look at each man, and each nod at me.

Talon looks at me, "you don't need do this babe"

Letting him hug me, I pull out a little bit. " Just be there to bring me back. I'm already in a dark place, and it's going to get worse." I say, turning around to open the shed door.

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