Chapter 42

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Fuck. Not hearing her say she loves me, was a stab in my chest. I worry about her more than ever. Did something happen?

My phone buzzes, I pull it out of my pocket. "I love you Tal" is all it says.

Breathing a sigh of relief, at least she told me.

The front door opens and the boys walk in, covered in grease.

Laughing at them, "what the hell you 2 been up to? I ask.

Bubba smiles, "working in shop. Felt damn good." He says.

Bub laughs at him, "yeah, I bet. Proud of you Bubba."

Gunner walks to the bar, "we're all proud of you Bubba. You busted ass helping." He states.

Confused, I look at them. "What are you talking about." I ask.

Grinning, Bub states, "project car me and bubba found to do."

"How bad of a project car you talking about?" I ask them.

They all three laugh at me, but it's Gunner who answers, "a big one. But when Bubba found it, well, couldn't say no."

"Of course you couldn't" I laugh out.

We sit there, having a few drinks, the boys drinking pop or water. Just making chit chat.

"Ok. Breaks over. Let's go" Bubba tells them.

Shaking my head at them, I have to laugh. Those boys have become a part of this club so much. They're starting to act like us and that's almost scary.

Standing up, I head to my office. Even though Nessa handles the accounting part of our businesses. I still need to do the daily shit that goes along with it.

As I sit down, the office phone rings, "yeah.?" I say.

"Hello Talon, got a minute to talk?" Luke ask me.

"Sure, something wrong?" I ask.

"No. Wanted to touch base on a place that Sami wanted me to look at. Couldn't get ahold of her, so I called you. I checked it out, it's what she's looking for. Wouldn't take much to do what she wants done to it." He says.

"She's on her way back to the States now. And I have no clue what you are talking about Luke, she didn't tell me about it." I state.

I hear him take a breath," I hope I didn't mess up by calling you" he says nervously.

"Just tell me, you know she won't be upset with you." I say.

"She wanted a building to setup a place for women to train to defend themselves, also with space above it to have living quarters for the ones with no place to go." He tells me.

"That's a good idea. She's a smart woman. Whatever you need from us, let me know. Just text her that you talked to me, and you found a place." I tell him.

"Alright. Want me to send you the info?" he asks me.

"Yeah, that way we can scope out the area." I say hanging up.

Going to the doorway, I yell, "Gunner, Hawk, Ice, Razor. Office now." Sitting back down, I watch as they walk in.

"What's up Prez?" Razor ask.

"Seems our Sami has an idea she wants to put into place." I tell them.

"She's gonna do the gym then?" Gunner ask me.

"You knew about it?" I glare at him.

Grinning like he does, "when Bub suggested it, I told her to think about it. She must have decided it was what she wanted." He states.

"Luke is sending me info on a place he found, we need to check the area out. Make sure no trouble is close." I tell them, standing up.

My phone buzzes, I pick it up. Luke text the address and Info, the realtor is meeting us there.

"Let's ride. Gotta make sure this place is good for her." I say walking out of the office.

The ride over isn't long, at least if something happens, one if us can get here fast. The area isn't the best but also not the worst. The building is big, needs some work, but nothing we can't get done. Backing our bikes in, we all walk around the building looking. There's a side exit door, looks sturdy. The back area has parking, plenty of space.

The backdoor opens and the realtor steps out. "Hello. Luke said you were coming to look at the building." He says, looking at our cuts. "Um, you are here from Luke, right?" He ask, almost in fear.

Nodding, "yeah. My ole lady is looking for a place. Any major issues with it?" I ask him.

"None that I know of. It just went on the market this week. Come on in, I'll show you around." He says, stepping back into the building.

We step in, looking around, it needs some work but doesn't look like it's been neglected. G

unner walks to the stairs," I'm going up to see what it looks like." He says. Razor follows Gunner.

"Prez, this is a good sized place. From what Gunner told me, it may be what she's looking for." Ice states.

The realtor walks us through the building, making sure to tell us it's strong points.

"Sami will have final say. But, it looks like this may be what she wants. I'll have her contact you tomorrow. She's on her way back to the States now." I tell him.

He nods and hands me his business card. "Looking forward to meeting her." He says as we walk out.

"Gunner, what do you think. Seeing as she told you what she wanted to do." I say, being a little pissed at that.

"Maybe. But she has ideas on it that she didn't fully explain, so I don't know." Gunner smarts off.

"I'm heading home tonight. Going to get a few things done there. Later." I say as I pull away.

Getting home, I pull my bike in the garage. I need to work out for a bit, I'm tense and don't know why. Looking at my phone, I've got time for that and a shower before getting a few hours sleep before Sami gets home. I text Padre to let him know to bring her to our house and not the clubhouse.

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