Chapter 39

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Telling them about that day, it killed me. Shame, embarrassment, fear of what they think of me now.

Talon pulls me closer into his arms. Kissing my head. "I know you don't want to hear I'm sorry. It explains alot about you now. I am sorry you couldn't feel you could tell me. I do understand that." Talon says looking at me.

I can't look him in the eyes.

Putting his fingers under my chin, making me look at him, I'm afraid of what I'll see. Once I look in his eyes, there's no pity, only concern for me.

"I'm ashamed of what happened. When Padre found out about the beating, he was pissed. Tony killed that man, without authorization. But I think Padre understood, or Tony would have been in alot of trouble. After that, I went to counseling. And then started training harder. Learned everything I could. My boys were worried, but they figured it was from the accident that I acted off. Me and Tony got close, he was there when I had no one else. I cared for him, but along the way, his feelings went beyond that"  I breathlessly say.

Now, I'm not so sure if I tell Padre the full truth, he will understand it all and why I need to say my goodbyes. He may very well hate me." I almost cry.

"My angel, I could never hate you." I hear Padre speak up.

"Oh my God. How long have you been there?" I weakly ask.

Padre walks to me, "when you called, I headed over here. Then, waited in the bar with Ice. I followed them back here, and stood at the door. Waiting to know it was ok to enter, when I heard you cry, I'm not a patient man as you know, I pushed the door open. They didn't know I was there." Padre says.

His face shows sadness and worry. "I now know why you feel you need to go to him. I am sorry I didn't deal with that piece of shit that hurt you. And yes, I was upset that Tony killed him. But, he took care of you and never told your secret. He was loyal to you Sami, always know that." He states.

I smile at him, "thank you. It would kill me to know I disappointed you." I say.

He walks and pulls me to him, "you're like my blood. I'd never feel that towards you. Now, our flight leaves at 4am. You sure about this." He says, looking at me.

Nodding to him, "I'll get packed." I say, doubt in my mind now. Taking a deep breath, I step away from them all. Going to the bathroom to get myself together. Fuck. That's not alot of time, pack and try to sleep some. When I walk out of the bathroom, I'm not alone. I hoped they would just leave.

Not bothering to look at them, "not gonna talk about this right now. I have an early flight and I need sleep". I grumble while getting into bed. I hear the door open and footsteps leaving, sighing I close my eyes.

My bed dips, and Talon pulls me to him. "sleep babe. I'm right here." He says, kissing my neck.

He knows what that does to me, "Tal, I know what you're doing. I'm too fucked up right now." I say, my head knows it but my body is betraying me.

"Just sleep. We can talk in the morning." He whispers.

Rolling over to face him, I caress his cheek, he leans into it. Makes me almost shiver. "Babe, I do love you. I have to do this. No discussion about it." I say, not trying to cry.

He looks deep in thought, "I know you do. Doesn't mean I like it, but, I support whatever you feel you need to do." He finally gets out.

"Thank you. That means alot. Now, go-to sleep. I'm tired and still have to pack." I say as I place a kiss on his cheek. Content, I fall asleep.

Fuck! What the hell? I just fell asleep. I'm thinking as a damn phones ringing. Good, it stopped.

Then rings again. "Babe, get your phone." Tal says mumbling.

I groan, "no. It's too damn early." Pulling the cover over my head.

Talon reaches over me, grabbing my phone and answers it. "Whoever it is, it's too early." I mumble.

"Yeah, this better be fucking good" Talon barks into the phone.

"I'll wake her up and tell her." I hear Talon say.

Pulling the cover back down, I open my eyes, the look on his face gets to me.

Raising up, "Tal what the hell. What's going on? Who was that?" I stammer

He gets up, pulling on his jeans. "Babe, get up and get dressed. I'll get a bag packed for you. That was Lita, they are a few minutes away to pick you up." He says.

Grabbing my phone, I look at the time, it's only 1 am.

"Babe, come on. Get your ass up." He growls out.

"No! Not until you tell me what's going on?" I yell at him.

He's packing my clothes, looks at me, then sits on the bed.

"Sami, I'm sorry. But, Tony's condition has taken a turn for the worse." He says, brushing a kiss to my temple.

I can only nod. Getting dressed, a sadness takes me. A knocking on the door, brings me out of my head.

Opening it, Gunner is there, a sad smile on his face. "Padre and Lita are waiting outside for you." He says.

Nodding,"I'll be right there. Thanks Gunner." I say, turning to pick up my bag.

 "I got it babe. You sure you don't need me there? I'll go if you want." Talon says, sliding his arm around my waist.

"Thanks but I need to do this alone. I hope you understand." I say, hoping he does.

Pulling me into his chest, "I do understand." He murmured.

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