Chapter 45

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I almost laugh at him standing there looking like I hit him.

"Whatever" I say walking to the kitchen.

Shaking my head to myself, I need to do this. Help our brother.

Pulling my phone out, I dial Mayhem.

"It's Sami. Text me all the details. I'll be in my truck so she's safe." I say as I grab bottled water.

"Ok. But are you sure you can do this right now? Mayhem asks.

"Fuck brother. Not you too. Yes, I can do this. I'm one of the best at doing this stuff." I bark at him.

"I'll text the address. She's terrified Sami. I had her hidden but he found her." He says, sounding lost.

"Get new clothes on her, take all jewelry off. There could be a tracker in anything like that." I tell him.

As fucked up as it seems, that shit happens. I've seen it first hand, on that shit.

He yells, "Fuck I didn't think of that shit."

"If they found you before, that's probably how. Unless she contacted anyone." I say, not wanting to sound crazy.

I hear Talon walk in the kitchen and sit down.

"Brother, do as I say. Send me details, it looks like I'll have escorts coming there." I snicker looking at Talon. Hanging up the phone.

He glares at me, mumbling, "you shouldn't be doing this".

"Oh for fucks sake. Stop. It's what I do, until I get the gym setup." I growl at him.

"Shouldn't be doing what?" I hear Gunner ask.

Pointing at Talon, "ask his ass. I gotta get my truck ready." I say.

Hawk and Gunner look between me and Talon.

Gunner laughs, I hear him say, "why do you piss her off over this stuff? Don't you know when to pick your battles?"

I turn to look at them, can't help but smirk, "he knows but still gets his panties in a twist." I say laughing.

Talon looks at me, shaking his head. "No panties here baby, actually nothing under these jeans."

I have to laugh because it means he knows he can't change my mind on this.

"Ok. That's just TMI Prez."

Hawk laughs out.

"Mayhem called, his sister needs protection. Get her out of that town. They hid her once but was found. So Sami here is going to play the hero once again." Talon tells them.

"No hero Talon. Just doing what's fucking right" I bark out to him.

I walk out to the garage. Fuck. That man infuriates me at times.

Opening the door, I make sure my weapons are there. Extra ammo as needed. Heading to the back, I open the hidden compartment, double checking my stash. Never hurts to have too much than not enough.

Hearing them walk out to the garage, I look up to them. Can't help but smile, no matter what, I can depend on them to have my back.

My phone beeps with a message, I open it and get the info needed.

"Mayhem is meeting us half way there. He's got about 5 guys with him so hopefully that doesn't draw more attention to them." I say, hoping they are listening.

Devil's Sinners MC   Lost & Found Book 1Where stories live. Discover now