Chapter 5

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Present day

Sami ~
I've tried my damnedest to ignore the pull to Talon. Fuck!! It's not working. Each moment around him, I feel alive and the attraction gets worse. I've done so good so far. I know that my double life isn't helping things. My moods have been off lately.

"Hey Sami, need help figuring out this fucking route schedule. It's stressing me out." Ice tries to calmly ask.

"Good thing I've already figured it out for you huh? Here, look this over and tell me what ya think." I smile, knowing it's perfect.

"Well fuck me running. Should have known our Queenie would have it done already." Ice chuckles

"Yeah, well. Did it in my spare time at the bar when I was working. Wasn't sure if you needed help, but figured I'd try." I'm smiling to myself because I knew he'd love it.

Since being back in the club, it seems I've taken a little bit of the stress off him and Becki. I don't mind really, it feels fucking good actually.

I sit with him, while he's looking at my plan, I turn and look at the room.

The club whores get on my nerves. they've been told that when my sons are here, they behave or they're gone. I sure as fuck don't need a whore around my sons.

I get up and go to the bar, "can I get a water Hun?" I ask the prospect.
He nods and grabs a bottled water from the cooler. Sits it down, smiles, "Anything for you Queenie."

Turning to walk to the bathroom, I hear her voice, and it gets on my nerves.

"You do know that you won't ever be an ole lady to the Prez. He likes easy pussy too much. You think because you have history in the beginning that you deserve the respect of anything other than a whore, your fooling yourself." Mona drawls out.

I can only shake my head at her, I turn to face her, "See, that's where you're wrong. I don't need any whores respect. Why the fuck would I want a club whores' opinion on anything. You are there for one reason only, easy pussy. And that will never change the fact that whores are NOT ole lady material." I bark out.
Turning to walk away. Fuck that cunt. I'm pissed.

I get 5 feet from our table, Ice looks up, his eyes narrow, and then I feel my hair jerk back.

"You fucking bitch. Don't walk away from me. You don't talk to me like that. I'm club property." she spits out.
Turning to her, her eyes widen, realizing that pulling my hair doesn't bother me.

I take a step forward, before she knows what happened, I throat punch her. She grasping for breath, looking at me like I'm crazy. I see red. Next I know, I take her down, and start punching.

I feel arms trying to pry me off of her. I'm being hauled off the whore.

"Sami girl, calm down. Stop fighting" Ice tries to calm me down.

"Fucking whore, don't ever talk to me like that again, or I swear to fucking god, I will beat you within an inch of your life." I yell at her.

"Get this whore out of here, Now!" Ice barks out.

He sits me at the table, looking me over. Shaking his head, "Should have known she was going to start shit. Fucking whore doesn't know when to shut up. Sorry about that Sami." he says.

I nod at him, get up and turn to leave. "I'm going home to clean up and calm down. But, if she ever comes near me again Ice, I will seriously hurt her. I'm not the weak bitch I was before." I say flatly.

I head home, needing time to think, maybe I don't belong here. I sure as fuck don't want to be an ole lady again.

My phone rings as I get in my room, glancing at the screen. Fuck! I don't need this today. I decline the call, it'll go to voicemail. I already know what it's about.

Getting a shower, calming down. I take my time getting dressed.
Walk into the kitchen, I find a note from the boys, they're heading to the clubhouse. Well fuck. I guess I better head there, make sure no whore fucks with them.

Checking my voicemail as I leave. I knew it. I'll have Becki be a distraction.

We're all at the clubhouse, some at the bar drinking, others are playing pool or darts. My sons are of course loving their new family. They may be 28 and 30, but they have been my world
since they were born. This club charity run is important to my
youngest, he suffered a TBI a few years back from a motorcycle
accident. My family has been thru hell and back.

I glance to the bar, catching Talon watching the boys. A look of concern or maybe sadness. I wonder why. Shaking my thoughts to clear my head. I'm too busy to worry about that right now. I'm waiting for the call to give the all clear for the final few bars on the run.

"You ready to head out?" Ice ask Becki

"Nope, you go on, me and Sami need to run an errand". She says as Ice and Talon look at her.

"What errand? Talon says grumpily.

He's a fucking asshole lately, and needs to chill or get laid. Come to think of it every time a club whore has tried, he's not wanted them. Oh well, not my problem, I'm deep in thought. But damn how I'd love to get wrap up in those arms. Those eyes that melts me when I catch him staring, Fuck girl, stop this shit. I tell myself.

"Just something we need to do" Becki flatly says.

"Brother, what's up with your woman?" Talon says as he's taking a
shot of Jack. "They both have been secretive past few days."

Ice looks over at the two women, shakes his head, "Fuck if I know
brother. They've been working on this run but there's something else, I can feel it. And it's not good".

"Yeah, the boys said the same things, and Sami's been leaving the house at odd hours and coming back either pissed off or in a great mood. Something's going on with her" Talon says as he's deep in thought.

"Yeah, maybe so. She'll tell when she wants. Ain't no one gonna force her to talk." Ice states.

Talon looks over to Sami, wondering what the fuck is going on. Thinking to himself, I'll find out soon.
" Hey prospect, get your ass in the office. I have something for you
to do." Talon yells as he's walking away, glancing at the club

Ice is following him, " brother, you know not to fuck with her right
now. She will be hell to live with."

"Oh well. Bout time she stops ignoring this between us anyways. It's gonna happen soon. And I'd rather know what she's hiding now than later. "

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