Chapter 22

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Talon ~

Sitting at my table in the corner, I can see everything. Keeping an eye on things.

Ice slides in next to me. "Prez, all good?"

"Yep. Just sitting here awhile to look things over. Get a feel of things." I say, taking a drink of beer.

"Have you seen Becki or Sami?" He ask.

Glancing around, " saw them head outside a lil bit ago, checking on how the prospects set up the back." I say, leaning my arms onto the table. "Something up?"

He shakes his head, "Nope. All good. But, "

Looking to him, "but what?" I bark out.

"I know Becki will be with her, but these men don't know who Sami is yet. Just concerned, someone may step over the line and not realize it, especially if she isn't showing her tattoo." He says, nervously for some reason. "I don't want her scared and leave us,

yeah I know I sound like a pussy, but, fuck Prez, she means the world to us."

Glancing around, I turn to the back door, and speaking of her. I nudge him and nod to the door. "There they are."

Her and Becki stop at the bar and grabs water, walking to the pool table where her boys have been playing.

Ice is shaking his head, "it's good she walks and acts like she belongs here as our Queen. Not as nervous as I thought."

I'm watching, on the ready if she needs me. "You forget who she works with? " Laughing at him. "She's tough for sure." I smirk.

We're watching them, she's talking to bub, as she walks by, a hand slaps her ass. Turning around, she leans into man, says something and his eyes widen, his face getting red, she turns and walks off. He jumps up, grabbing her arm, stopping her from walking away. "Listen here whore, if I want to touch, I will" he yells.

I'm up before I know it, stalking to him, grabbing his throat, I hold him up. "Chains, do not ever talk to a woman in this club like that and never to my ole lady." I bark at him, almost growling.

His face reddens by the hold I have on him, I want to choke this fucking asshole for even touching her.

"Damn Prez, I didn't know" he barely gets out.

I feel her touch my arm, "Tal, let him go. I'm fine and can hold my own." she whispers.

Letting him go, I turn to her, noticing everyone is looking at us. No time like the present I guess. Clearing my throat, "listen up fuckers." I yell.

Sliding my arm around her shoulders, "This woman here, deserves the utmost respect from you assholes, not only is she your mother charter's Queen, she is my ole lady. Anyone who disrespects her will get an ass beating. Got me?" I say, turning to look at everyone.

"Same goes for me, no one will disrespect her." Hawk states.

Gunner and our crew nod and say same thing.

Chains finally able to speak, "Sorry Prez. Queen I apologize for that. I mistook you for something you're not."

She looks at him, smiling, "It's fine. But I meant what I said before you knew who I was. I can handle my own."

Confused, I look at him then her. "Chains, join us at the table" I say turning to walk to where I was before.

He's looking nervous, as he should be. I may be a little bit overprotective of her.

Sliding into a chair, "Chains this is Sami. Sami this here is Chains, Prez of the Northeast chapter."

Chains looks at her, " sorry again for that."

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