Chapter 59

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What the hell just happened? I stepped into the fucking twilight zone.

"I can't deal with this right now. I need my head clear. Not fucked up. And you two just fucked me up with all that." I state.

My phone rings, glancing at it, I have to answer.

"Hey Taker. I'm packing now. Fuck! I just heard from my friend, yeah it's true. Her niece was with a prospect for them. Damnit!" I yell.

"Darlin, I owe you my life. We're backing you all the way on this." Undertaker says.

"I did what was needed for a friend Taker. You don't owe me anything. But, I'll take your help on this." I tell him.

"What do you need from us?" He asks me.

Looking at my guys. I can only shake my head.

"Not sure how many are rolling with me. Seems my club isn't letting me go alone. Stubborn ass men." I reply.

He's laughing, "Gotta say darlin. It's damn good to know they have your back, Angel. You know they are welcome here anytime." He says.

"Nessa told me where she's staying. Can you get eyes on her until I get there? This fucker is going down. My way. And make sure I get a meeting with his Prez. Can you get that done?" I ask him.

"I can reach out to them. Got bad blood between us, but the truce is still in place. We're ready for war if it comes to it. Should I drop Padres name also? I know for a fact that Devil won't mess with him." Taker states.

"Let him know that Padres Angel wants to meet with him. Preferably before I take his prospect out. I'll call Padre and let him know what I'm doing. If I don't, he will be pissed at me" I say.

"Alright darlin. Be safe and see you later." He says hanging up.

"Holy fuck. You and Taker are good friends huh?" Talon ask.

Nodding, "I helped his woman. He feels he owes me. He's setting a meet up with Devil." I reply.

Throwing clothes in my bag, and zipping it up. I throw it on my shoulder.

"I leave in 5. Figure out who's going. I do not want the Prez, VP or SSA going. I'd prefer to leave Hawk here too. I'm not putting the 3 or 4 most valuable members in their range." I say walking to my door.

"We need to finish our talk babe." Gunner says.

"When this is done." I say walking away.

Walking to the bar, I sit on a stool.

"When are you leaving?" Hawk asks me.

"5 minutes. Hawk, I'm sorry for hitting you. But, you had no right to say that to me. When this is done, you and me in the ring. Got me?" I growl out.

"I'm sorry I said that. And I'll be looking forward to you kicking my ass." He says.

Gunner and Talon walk out, talking in whispers. They both watch me. I'm not changing my mind on this.

"Hawk, Moose, Knucks, Tango.
Got 5 mins to grab a Togo bag. You're going with Queenie." Talon says sitting next to me.

"You got it Prez" they all say.

"I'll call Padre on the way." I tell him.

"Gunners going with you also. He won't stay here. I tried." He says, pulling me into a hug.

"No Tal. He can't go. What if something happens to him. I wouldn't handle that well." I say.

"You try telling him that. If your choices didn't make sense, I'd be right with you." He states.

"Protect the club at all costs. Is why I said that." I state.

Nodding,"I know why you did it. Does Devil let his men abuse women?" He asks me.

"Not that I know of. If it comes down to it, I'll call in a marker, and he will know how serious this is if I do that. Even he doesn't want to mess with Chaos." I say.

"Are you serious? Every MC is weary of that man. How the fuck do you know Chaos?" He asks me.

"Can't tell you that babe. Just know that some of my training was from him." I say proudly.

"Holy fuck." Is all he can get out.

"Holy fuck what Prez?" Gunner ask him.

Lowering his voice so only Gunner hears him, "Our woman knows Chaos."

"What the fuck? Are you serious?" Gunner whispers out.

Thankfully, the guys walk out saying they're ready.

Talon walks us out, "Be safe babe. Text when get there. Just remember, I love you. Come home to me." He says kissing me as if it's our last time.

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