Chapter VII

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"To be a soldier one needs that special gene, that extra something, that enables a person to jump into one on one combat, something, after all, that is unimaginable to most of us, as we are simply not brave enough."

Rupert Everett

We get inside the supermarket and we go to the diner first and order some fries and chicken nuggets for Genesis and I order a burrito with beef fajitas. I laugh as I see Genesis pretending that the chicken nugget is getting drowned in the ketchup. I eat my burrito and see the military trucks practically fly by on the street going north. I wonder what happened. Maybe the cartels finally reached the prison or they broke the boss out. Oh well, not my problem. Little did I know that very soon it would become my problem and my worst nightmare.

I grab a cart, and I start getting the things for tonight's dinner. Genesis puts cookies in the cart and a soda, and then she comes with marshmallows and chocolates. I look at her and she looks at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Si papi? Para hacer los sandwiches de chocolate y bon bones."

I reply "Esta bien Mija. Pero se llaman S'mores."

She starts jumping up and down "yay! S'mores, vamos hacer S'mores a la noche."

All of a sudden windows start shattering and people start yelling. I grab Genesis and take her to the back of the store and tell the people in the bakery to keep an eye on her while I go and find out what's happening. I start running looking around and see that the military Humvees are having a shootout in the parking lot with another truck and I see men come out of the truck and start running into the store.

"Oh no, please not in here!" I think to myself.

I run to the kitchen department and guys start running around and telling people to shut up. I see one of the guys and grabs a woman as a hostage and yells at her. I'll be damned if I'm going to let anything happen to my daughter, let alone anyone in here. I grab a few knives and a towel, I start sneaking close to the guy with the AK-47 and while he has back towards me and his rifle pointing to the air, it's the perfect opportunity to get him while none of his friends are close by. I put the towel over his mouth and stab him in the neck, he instantly goes down. The woman yells and I tell her.

"Para de gritar! Escúchame. Yo sé que tienes miedo, yo también tengo miedo pero soy un soldado americano visitando a mija. Ella está atrás protegida. Corre detrás de la carnicería y escondete. Ahí no te pasará nada. Voy a ver si puedo salvar más gente."

She hugs me, thanks me then runs off to the back of the market.

"Seven guys with rifles and a lot of people hurt on the floor bleeding and a few dead, I have to end this quickly before this gets out of hand!" I tell myself.

I look around to see where I can sneak up behind them one by one but it's too risky because there are people on the floor trying to avoid the cartels, so I have to think smart. It's kind of hard to think when my daughter is in the supermarket and trying to make sure that she doesn't get hurt along with everyone else. So now I think of a way to get the goons to move one by one so I can take them down one by one without alerting the rest.

I start walking slowly to the back of the isles so I can assess the situation. Ok, one of them is walking in one of the isles, now it's time to think on my feet and see through the isle corridors and see which way he is coming. I stand by the end of the aisle and get ready to attack, his assault rifle is the first thing that I see and I grab it and point it up and my phone starts ringing and we both stare at each other awkwardly.

"SHIT!" I say out loud and I take my knife in my right hand and stab him in the eye. I quickly grab whatever he had on him and run to the back of the stacked cases of beer. I can hear running to where the goon is laying down and two of the cartel guys start yelling in Spanish.

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