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I don't fight without being prepared, even when I lose.

Lyoto Machida

It's 6 am, Eve and I get up and put the bed away and get ready for work. I ask Eve what she wanted for breakfast and she says that she wanted two scrambled eggs with bacon on the side. I comply and make her breakfast. I make some bacon and egg tacos for me and leave some for my mom and the girls, just in case they wanted some. I call Marcus and tell him to wake up and wake everyone else up to get ready and meet us at the pentagon at 8 am. He says ok and we hang up. My mom comes to the dining room table and asks us if we were going to work already and I tell her that we leave at 7:30 am. She tells me that it was 6:45 am and I tell her that I knew that. She was always one to be at work at least 15 minutes early. Everywhere else it's ok to be late unless it was the movies. But work and movies, it was unacceptable to be late. I ask Eve if she had the marriage certificate with her so we could turn it into records and make the adjustments on us. She says that she has it in her briefcase. I tell her that I had my packet with me and since she was the quartermaster, maybe this time we could test the weapons and equipment in front of her to see if she could make some adjustments before we left in a few days. I go upstairs to check on the girls and see that they were all sound asleep. I look at all of them and Ayeka is huddled in a ball next to Jasmine and Jasmine was holding her. Melfina was sleeping on Lydia's arm and Lydia was cuddling right next to her. They were my precious angels.

My mom tells me that it was 7:15 am and I tell her that we would leave in 15 minutes and that she didn't have to rush us. She gets upset and says ok. Marcus calls me and says that they were getting in a cab right now and heading to the pentagon because it was about a half-hour drive for them plus with traffic. They just might make it on time. I say ok, then tell Eve that it was time for us to go once I see the news on the negotiations on the presidents of North and South Korea. I tell my mom that we were leaving and that we would be back around 6 pm. She says ok and waves us goodbye. I close the front door and lock it.

I look at Eve and say "Just so you know, my mom is going to clean the WHOLE house and leave cleaner than anything you've ever seen."

She tells me to tell my mom to not do it and I tell her to leave it alone because it's the only way she can feel at home if we are going to leave for a week. She agrees with me and we get into Eve's truck and drive off for work.

"You know, we could've left my truck for you mom, it is smaller, I think she's going to have a hard time driving the suburban." Eve says while we drive to work.

I tell her that my mom always had big cars and trucks, so she wouldn't have any trouble driving the suburban. Eve asks about my mom's past cars and I tell her all the cars she had driven and she was surprised that she drove big cars. I just laugh and say that we would always say that when a flood came at least we had a boat to float in. Eve laughs with me and we finally reach the pentagon. I see everyone in the front waiting for us. We park and meet up with everyone in the front. I greet them all and so does Eve.

"So how's married life?" Lawrence asks.

Eve says that it is great and she couldn't be any happier. I say the same thing also. Marcus tells me that I look happy.

"I am bro. Honestly, I couldn't be more happier." I tell him.

They all tell me that it was a good thing.

We walk inside the pentagon and I tell Eve if she can grant us an audience with the Chief, so we can talk to him about the plan. She says ok and for us to wait in the lobby. I say ok and she leaves. We sit for 20 minutes and I get a call on my cell phone. She tells me that she told the chief about us testing the weapons and equipment and he granted us permission.

The Journey to Freedom: Path to WW3Where stories live. Discover now