Chapter XXVIII

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Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Harriet Tubman

We get into the truck and start driving to my grandpa's ranch. I can hear Fito and Drew yell that they are rich and say that they will be wasting all their money on a bunch of crap. After about two hours, we finally make it to the checkpoint and the guards wave us through. We keep driving until I tell Fito to make a right on the next road and then a left on the first road that he sees after that. We see my godfather's truck in the street and tell Fito to stop. I take off all my gear and get out of the truck.

My godfather walks up to me and shakes my hand and asks me if it's hot in the back. I look at him and laugh and say, "No. Que no puede ver qué estaba en la alberca que está ahí adentro?"

He starts to laugh and calls me a smart ass. I see all the bulldozers going through the land and ask him what's happening. He tells me that if we're to hide this money then it's going to happen here. We walk over to this huge hole that was made during the week that we were overdoing the mission.

"Recordé que me dijiste de esté rancho y dónde estaba. Pensé que alomejor sería mejor comenzar a limpiarlo y contruir algo aquí. Una base abajo con una casa arriba y la casa la usan nomás para que la gente piense que es una casa. Pero la base debajo la tierra va ser tu verdadera casa. Ahí haces varios cuartos con las paredes hechas de hierro si para que nada lo pueda penetrar." My godfather tells me.

I walk over to the guy in charge and get a piece of paper and make a sketch of more or less how I want the rooms. I make 9 rooms total, eight of them the same size. And one room 5 times as big for anything that I might need. He tells me that it will be expensive. I ask him how much in dollars and he tells me that it will be close to $50000. I walk to the armored truck and get $100000. I put it on the table and tell him that there's $100000. Make it happen. He looks at me and says that he will hire more help and have it done in a month. I also tell him that with that much money I need a house built at the side where the underground rooms will be and that I need an elevator going down to the rooms from the house. Also that the big room must have an exit ramp for escapes, no ladders, but like a ramp for cars to get out. He tells me that it cost more.

I stop and go back to him. I tell him don't be greedy, that's more than enough money for everything. But if he wants more money then I will gladly pay more but as long as he does everything to the point, exactly as I asked him. He nods and I tell him ok, then hire some people and make 10 windmills and that at least 5 acres of the land must have solar panels. I also tell him that I was told that there was an underground river on the land, to find it and make it into a well for drinking water. He shakes my hand and I tell Fito to give me another 200K. He throws them at me and I put them on the table. I tell him that I need everything done in a month as he promised and walked off.

My godfather tells me that I gave him too much. I tell him that its only money, plus I was giving him my share. I was bound to get it done eventually, better now than later. I tell him that the rest of the money will be left at his house and that I would be back for it in a few days after the debriefing at the pentagon. He tells me ok and we drive off and go to his house and leave the truck there, and all the weapons and a letter telling him that he should hide them until its time for me to take them back and we get into the suburban we came in back to Del Rio.

"Wait a second, you're telling me that when you stole the money from the main cartel boss, and that you made this house and the underground base also," Josh asks me.

I reply, "Well kind of, you see, I wanted a ranch only, but my godfather started something for me. I think he knew what was coming and didn't tell me. He would always get me started on something but never told me how it was to be finished. So I just went along with it, the best I could." I continue the story after I take a sip of my beer and drag of my cigarette.

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