Chapter XII

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Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. Euripides

As soon as I get to Eagle Pass's hotel room, my cousin was there talking to two of my friends that were going to help me take down this corrupt cop.  We talk for a while and have a few beers while we are waiting for my other buddies.  I get a call from one of my Army friends that was willing to help me with this situation.   Apparently two of them ended up on the same plane on their way over here. Two of them are still a no show, but good thing that a couple of times they came to visit me and my daughter, so they know how to get here. We speak of plans of how we are going to keep watch on the cop and how we are going to take him down.

"Fito and Drew are going to play the street kids and just walk around a few times by the police department to see who the captain is and eventually we might have a plan on his routes on how he gets home," I tell the guys.

My cousin tells me "why don't we just go across the border and try to find out who knows him or who hates him? There are people that are bound to know and tell us."

I reply, "We can't do that because if someone would get wind about what we are asking or if they find out what we are doing then those people would turn us into the cop or his bosses which are the drug cartels. That's why we can't go to anyone about this; we have to do this alone." My cousin nods in agreement.

"Ok, well my guys should be almost here, and we have to wait for them because we are going to cross the border and go buy some weapons. I have close to 10,000 dollars saved, and with that money, we are going to buy guns in Mexico." I tell the group.

We all walk outside and we all have a cigarette.

"Man it sure is hot Nicholas," Fito tells me.

I tell him "Yeah man, its Texas weather. But at least we aren't in a desert or in hell because that's where those guys are going to be headed."

Fito nods and Drew asks me "So Nick, what if for some reason one of us gets caught? What do we do then? I mean if one of us dies there's not much we can do. But what if they catch us?"

Daniel responds "Oh well, you're fucked! Just don't get caught."

I look at my cousin Daniel and as soon as I'm about to answer.  My friend Kevin comes around the corner with my other Army buddy and says "No one gets left behind, and trust me when I say this, I won't let no one stay behind."

I look at him with great relief and as happy as I could be, I've known Kevin since he was 12; funny thing about Kevin is that we grew up playing kids card games. 'A.B.' is another friend of mine from the platoon, we grew up in the 'hood' together, we signed up for the Army together, we did our basic training and AIT together also. I mean when I say he's my brother from the 'hood' he's like we say in the 'hood' "brother from another mother". I know it sounds tacky but usually when people grow up with bonds stronger than blood, it tends to take a turn for the better because those kinds of friends end up being the exact same as family, if not better.

Kevin shakes Daniel's hand and give themselves a quick hug and reminisce about the old days when they were growing up in the streets. AB comes up to me and gives me his sympathy and I just thank him softly.

"Don't worry man, we're going to make them pay and you can bet on that."

I look at him with relief and ask him if he talked to Lawrence and wondering why didn't show up. He just tells me that Lawrence was in some meeting and that he was coming as soon as he was out. I introduce Fito and Drew to my friends and they shake hands and start asking them about what they do in the Army and all sorts of questions. Daniel comes over to me and pats me on the back, and starts telling me how he can't wait to get the guys that did this to me.  I say this because if I know Daniel, he is one of those guys that grew up in the streets where you are constantly tested to see if you back down from fights. Even now with his wife and his daughter on the way he is still willing to help me and put his life on the line for me because he knows that I would do the same for him and his family.

We all get together and go to a restaurant and have a few beers, shoot the shit and go back to the hotel for some sleep. I try to go to sleep and help wonder what kind of risk I am putting everybody in. I get up and put on my shirt and grab my cigarettes and go outside for a smoke. As soon as I step outside I see my cousin by the rail smoking.

You couldn't sleep either huh cuz?

Nope, I reply.

You nervous about having your baby, I ask.

Not really, I'm more worried about you because knowing you; you will probably do something stupid and try to kill yourself because of what they did to Zaelia. I know you loved her and she was a great woman and an even better mother. But you can't just throw your life away and leave your girls behind.

I look down and blow some smoke out, you really want to know what I'm planning on doing cuz? I'll tell you but once I tell you, you should already know that my mind is made up and no one can talk me out of it.

I look at him and start tearing up, I reveal my plan to him and he just flicks his cigarette and starts raising his voice at me and tells me how stupid I am and that I'm being selfish.

Sorry cuz, it can't be helped. This is something that I have to do because if I don't, then people will never get the idea of what real courage is.

He looks at me and says; well if your mind is made up then I guess that's what's going to happen.

I look at him and tell him if for some reason anything goes wrong, then we'll go to plan B.

And what is plan B, he asks.

Plan B is doing it the smart way, even though I think that being smart is a waste of time.

I turn around and say; well maybe I'll sleep now knowing that you have my back during anything.

The very next day we all go for breakfast at 6 am and then we start driving to the border of Mexico and go to this weapon dealer that I had heard about. As soon as we walk in he looks at us and asks us if he can help us.

"Si, necesito equipo para deshacerme de una basura que estoy tratando de deshacerme." I reply.

"Siganme" he says.

We walk to the back room and go into the basement, and it's like seeing a military weapons cache.

Ok guys, pick your toys, we need sniper rifles, handguns, automatic weapons, grenades, flash bangs, and then I see something that catches my eye.

"Ese es un tirador de 4 coetes pequeños" I ask.

"Si, nadie lo compra porque es muy ruidoso y muy caro." He replies.

"Yo me lo llevo." I say.

He looks at me and laughs. I just stare at him and then his smile fades away.

"Estás en serio?" he asks me.

"Si, te dije que tengo chingo de basura que necesito deshacerme." I reply.

As soon as we are ready, we start packing everything up and drop $8000 and the guy just looks at me and then picks up the money quick. 

"No se vayan a matar con tanto equipo."

I look at him and say, "Yo no soy el que va murir hoy."

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