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I'm about caring, I'm about people, and I'm about entertaining people. I'm a family man. A husband. A father. I've been a lot of other things over the years, which we don't really want to talk about.

Ozzy Osbourne

The last three months, I had to make them memorable. In March, I threw a big birthday party for Lydia. I bought enough food for all the workers and everyone at home. We cooked enchiladas rojas de pollo with rice and beans. They were her favorite. The problem was that they took almost all day to make. We made almost 100 of them. It may have been more. I lost count after 70. Everyone bought her presents. She received a shirt, pants, skirts, dresses, jewelry, shoes, heels, everything a girl could ever want.

In May, I made a birthday party for the twins. They were still girls and didn't really care about the food. I asked them what they wanted and they gave me a list of a whole bunch of food. I told them that they had to decide in the end what they wanted and they decided on pizza. That also killed me because I bought so many pizza doughs from the store and made the sauce myself. I chopped up so many different ingredients to make all kinds of pizzas. I made close to about 30 pizzas. Half of them were with jalapenos because we as adults, we ate spicy food. The other half was with pepperoni, beef, ham, pineapple, bacon, sausage. I made a few tacos pizzas. And a few dessert pizzas. The dessert pizzas didn't have much, it was just a dough of pizza with cajeta, chocolate chips, and the icing on top. The kids ate it up. I almost felt bad for the parents because they had to deal with their kids high on a sugar rush. The twins ate some and they immediately crashed after the sugar went down. They slept through the whole entire night and woke up the following day with a stomachache. I laughed at them and told them that they should've never eaten so much sugar. They told me that they didn't want any more pizza ever again and I just laughed at them.

June came and my birthday fell on Saturday and then father's day fell on Sunday. The girls planned a surprise birthday party for me. I didn't even realize it was my birthday because I honestly didn't know what day of the week I was in. When you live in the wild, you tend to forget these things and it takes a while to get accustomed again. The girls made my mom's favorite for me. Flautas de pollo with rice and beans. It was a great day. Everyone was invited and they all brought me presents. I got pants, shirts, caps, shoes, knives, tools, birthday cards, and mariachis. I loved the mariachis. I was asked to sing and I sang two songs for everyone.

Horacio made me a bow that was made of steel. It was beautiful. He told me that he was working on it for a while. The arrows were even more beautiful. They were all made of steel also. He welded everything together himself. They were so sharp that when I touched the tip to see how sharp it was, it poked my finger and it immediately caused me to bleed. I thank Horacio for the bow, arrows, and the quiver it came in. The quiver was made of goats skin. It had the fur on the outside and the leather on the inside. The quiver had 50 arrows and I told Horacio that it was going to be of great use when I left in a few months. He told me that that was the reason that he made it. So I could it for hunting once I left. I thank him and Roberto gave me a gun. He bought it at a pawn shop. It was a Colt revolver. It was silver and the handle was white. I thanked him and he told me that one day I would use it and it made me feel like a real Mexican because the Mexican revolutionaries back in the day used the revolvers to settle disputes. I thanked him and told him that I was going to leave at home because it was too precious for me to lose it during my travels. He told me that he was just happy that I loved the present.

The whole day we ate, played music, danced, and had a great time. The girls had gone to sleep around midnight and I stayed outside with all my workers. We talked all night and they asked me what it was like during my travels and what I was expecting when I left again. I told them that people were still mean to each other and that they would never change unless someone forced them to change. We talked until almost 3 am and once everyone left, I ended sleeping on the couch of the house because I was too tired to go downstairs.

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