Chapter XXV

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The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can and keep moving on.

Ulysses S. Grant

I wake up and look at my watch. Its 5 am Saturday. I just lay there and look at the dark ceiling. I think to myself that if we pull this off, then we will be richer than any one of us could ever imagine. I wondered what my girls were doing, and then think that my mom was probably waking up right about now and everyone was probably still asleep. I could see in my mind that my mom was either sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv or maybe she was getting ready to cook breakfast for everyone and pack their lunches for school.

As soon as I sit up, Marcus tells me that he's been up for a while and that he was just worried about me. I tell him that I'm ok, I just missed my kids.

"I know how you feel homie. I miss little baby girl too." He responds.

Then he asks me how I handled everything with the grocery store when the cartel boss crashed into the store, I tell him that I just thought as rational as I could, killed everyone as quietly as possible and that was that.

"So why are we making so much noise now and not being quiet and take the money when its inside the house?" He asks.

I stand up and start walking to the board and shine my red flash light on it and tell him that the house is fortified, they would have more than 5 vehicles once the convoy shows up.

"There are already 18 guards plus whatever will be added with the convoy. This has to be a surprise attack and the strategy of divide and conquer will play a strong role here."  I tell him.

He gets up and tells me that 2 people for one house is too little for causing panic. I just look at him and ask him if he doubts the squad. He says no and proceeds with a but and Daniel wakes up and says "What the fuck ya'll talking about over there?"

I reply, "Sorry to wake you cuz."

I look back at Marcus and tell him that Kevin and Lawrence will be ok, Lawrence will destroy all vehicles and Kevin will use the drone to either see what's going on or blow a hole in the house. Either way, they will be fine at a safe distance. He looks at me and says ok, you sound like you know what you are doing. I wink at him and tell him that so far every plan that we have had has been spot on.

He looks at me and tells me "except the one with Genesis."

My smile drops and I reply "Look man, I'm not cold hearted or anything but shit happens, we do the best that we can. Sometimes people die, and more than likely, at times, it will be the ones closest to us. Some people move on. But not us. We always finish what everyone starts. We finished the civil war, WW2, Vietnam, the Korean war, and Iraq ever since 9/11. We don't start the shit, it's always someone else that starts the shit and we get dragged in the middle of it. So like I said, we will finish what they started."

Marcus shrugs and tells me "ok if you promise that everything will go off without a hitch then I'm all for the plan."

I punch him in the arm and tell him "Bro you always wanted to come to Mexico, well this is your second trip, if you would've gone to some Mexican tourist spot, then you would've been bored out of your mind" I laugh as I say comment. He starts laughing and shakes his head.

Its 7 am and we are all dressed and ready to go, we load up the truck with all of our weapons, Carmen comes running out and gives us all a big bag with what looks like something wrapped up in aluminum foil.

"Les hice una docena de tacos a cada uno por cuando tengan hambre mientras que hacen su trabajo o misión. No se cómo llamarlo."

We all thank her and I tell Raul to keep an eye on our cases because once we have the truck I will arrange for him to take them to the Airport and have them transported to the airport in Del Rio to be loaded up on our transport. He tells me that they will be safe and that they will be waiting for us. I nod at him and his wife and we all get into the truck and drive off.

I drive a few blocks away from Garza's house and we all walk to the little forest that is there, "ok Kevin, you and Lawrence will be here, this is the drone and here's the adapter for whatever mod you want to use."

I give Lawrence the explosive rounds. "Lawman, use 5 explosive shells in the beginning, blow up everything you can and make sure those assholes die early on. Use the last 5 shells in emergencies, these 10 are high-velocity rounds, use them however you want, and these 30 shots are normal rounds, also use them however you want also. If ya'll decide to go in, use the dragon skin and take your rifles with you."

Kevin cuts me off "We know what we are doing bro. Stop being so nervous."

I reply, "sorry man, I just hope that everything goes off without a hitch."

He tells me that it will and if anything goes wrong, then he will call for back up. We start walking off and I do a mic check on them and they tell me that they can hear me. I say good luck and we drive to the main part of the mission.

I get on the phone and call the soldier that dropped us off earlier in the week. I tell him that today we are going back with some cargo. And that we will need a helicopter to carry about six people and a few boxes with our weapons. He tells me that he will have the helicopter ready for us at the airport and that it would be big enough for us to carry what we needed. I thank him and tell him that once we are on our way, that I will tell him to be ready for lift-off. He says ok and then hangs up.

I call my godfather to tell him that we are getting ready for the plan and that I would call him when we are close to the checkpoint. He tells me ok and to be careful and then hangs up. We get to the point where we marked and tell everyone to get into position. Marcus runs to the woods, Drew and Fito get into the holes that we made and cover themselves with the camouflage. Daniel sits in the driver seat with the truck on.

AB puts on a cowboy hat that he bought at the market when we first arrived. I look at him and start laughing. He looks at me and asks me what's so funny? I continue to laugh and tell him that he looks so weird with the hat on. He tells me that it keeps the sun out of his eyes and that he thinks it looks good on him. I laugh and then tell him, ok man, as long as you believe it, then fuck it. I go over to the front of the truck and open the hood and see the engine looks like the only thing holding it together was the rust.

After a few hours, I start to see an SUV in the distance followed by a money truck. I nod to AB and he gets ready, as it gets closer, I open up the radiator cap and see the radiator fluid come out from the heat and then steam comes out. I wave at it with my hat and tell AB at the end of the count down to blow them all to hell. He nods again and I start to count down. 3...2...1...

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