Chapter XLVIII

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Everyone has the ability to increase resilience to stress. It requires hard work and dedication, but over time, you can equip yourself to handle whatever life throws your way without adverse effects to your health. Training your brain to manage stress won't just affect the quality of your life, but perhaps even the length of it.

Amy Morin

My godfather points the gun at Evelyn's head. "Tu crees que estás lista para ver qué tan fuerte eres y para poder superarte a ti misma?" My godfather asks Eve.

Eve looks at him and tells him to pull the trigger. My godfather laughs and then shoots at the ground and dirt starts to fly up and a dirt cloud forms. "I can't believe that you were going to shoot me!?" Eve yells and then faints.

I pick her up and take her to my godparent's bedroom. My godfather and I talk for about an hour about the training she will be receiving for the next three days. I can hear my godmother talking to someone in the house. "Parece que tú futura esposa ya se despertó." My godfather tells me.

"Estás seguro que la quieres entrenar de está manera? No creo que vaya aguantar. Tu mismo dijiste que vivió una buena buena y casi encerrada. Tu eres fuerte porque tuviste una vida fuerte y fea. Pero ella? Pero por la manera que ella vivió, alomejor no la hacé y después te va dejar por el trauma que le diste. A mí se me hace que es un poco muy extremo para ella ." My godfather tells me.

I shake my head in pondering what my godfather tells me. I stand up and walk for a bit. "Yo sé que aguanta. Alomejor no tuvo la vida que tuve yo, y si, se desmayo cuando le disparas te porque no pensó que estabas en serio de la vida y la muerte. Pero yo creo que esto la va hacer más fuerte. Los sueños que te conté, a mí se me hace que algo viene. Y algo grande y feo. Y si algo viene, minimo la tengo preparada. Y si nada viene. Pues mínimo ya está preparada para lo que pase en las misiones." I tell him.

My godfather gets up and puts his beer down and tells me that if I think that the plan will work, then we must make sure that she will have the best training that we can provide her. I look at my godfather as he places his hand on my shoulder while talking to me and then look past him to see that Evelyn is coming out with my godmother.

"Hey" Eve tells me. I wave at her.

"I'm sorry about fainting, I test weapons for a living, you would think that I would get used to something like hearing a gun going off," Eve says while nervously laughing.

I smile and tell her that it was ok. "Look..." I start telling her and she cuts me off.

"I know you need me to be trained but I'm not sure that I will do a good job. I'm not used to being in the field. I don't think that I will be of any use to you." Eve tells me.

I look at her and tell her that the training that she will be receiving is not just for her. But also for the mission and for the future because no one knows what will happen in the future. I tell her that I need her prepared for anything that may occur. She nods in agreement while tearing up. I look at her and tell her that after lunch, her first day of training will begin. She says ok and sits down trying to stop her hands from shaking.

My godfather sits down next to her and tells her "Yo sé que alomejor piensas que no tienes la fuerza para lo que vas a tener que soportar por el entrenamiento que te vamos a dar. Pero mi ahijado piensa que si lo vas a poder aguantar. Alomejor unos planes van ha ser cambiados en el camino del entrenamiento o las misiones que vas a tener en la vida pero los planes de Nicholas casi siempre tienen buenos resultados. El no te va poner en situaciones que no vas a poder aguantar, yo sí, pero el no, y si necesitamos, le bajamos un poco para que sepas cómo se siente para ser un sobreviviente."

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