Chapter XLII

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When marrying, ask yourself this question:

Do you believe that you will be able to

converse well with this person into your old age?

Everything else in marriage is transitory.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Ruth starts to tear up. Jonathan looks at the three of us in front of Eve, smiles and nods in approval. People stand around to look at us in complete awe. "YES!!!" Eve says out loud.

She hugs my girls and tells them that she will join our family and that she will be the best mom she can be. I get up and she comes up to me and kisses me and tells me that she will be the best wife that she can be. I tell her that she won't be the best wife that she can be. She already was, she just didn't know it yet. My girls just laugh when Eve kissed me and then they look at each other and then each one of them grabs my leg. I carry each one in one of my arms. I tell Ayeka to open up the box and to put the ring on Eve's finger.

She gets the ring, looks at it and then says, "Los diamantes son como el color de sus ojos papi."

I smile at her and tell her that I got a little bit of her eye colors and put it in a diamond, so it can shine like her eyes. She asks me if I can take a little bit of color from her eyes and make a ring with her eye color and Melfina says she wants one too. I tell them that I would get them a ring with their eye color and I'll put our eye colors next to Eve's stone ring so that we could all be together forever. They smile and then smile at Eve and ask her if it's ok if their dad can put their eye color next to her.

And Eve says, "I would be sad if your eye colors weren't next to mine."

Ruth comes up to us and hugs us all and tells my girls and I that she is so happy that we are their new addition to their family. Jonathan comes up to me and pats me on the shoulder and tells me that even though it's a little bit rushed but he sees now that the three of us will make a fine addition to their family also. I tell him that I just hope that Dan and his other son won't make a big deal out of this.

"You've already met my sons?" Ruth asks.

I tell her that I met Jonathan briefly. "It was a 'punchy situation' that just happened out of nowhere," I tell Ruth.

Then she replies that she hopes that it was a good encounter. Eve steps in and starts to speak and I cut her off. "Babe, we need to get back to the hotel because we've been out too long and the girls need to change and take a nap."

She says, "Ok I guess we've been out too long. Maybe its enough excitement for one day."

And then she looks at me and mouths thank you to me and I pull her towards her me and whisper not to worry about it. We start to go to the exit and I ask the valet to get the truck for me.

Jonathan asks me, "Did something happen Nicholas?"

I tell him that it was nothing. Nothing that words can't fix. He looks at me and nods. We get into the truck and start to make way for the hotel. We get to the valet and ask the valet to keep it close because we might leave later on tonight. He tells me that he'll do that. We all get off, Ayeka and Melfina are fast asleep. I carry Ayeka with me and Eve carries Melfina. We head to the elevator and wait for it to get there. Ruth asks me if something happened when I met Dan because she overheard me tell Jonathan that it was nothing that words couldn't fix. And I tell her that it was nothing but an exchange of words, but it was over before anything happened. The elevator gets there and we all get inside. On the way up everyone was quiet. My phone rings and Ayeka starts to wake. I shush her so she can go back to sleep and I answer the phone.

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