Chapter LXXIX

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I am not afraid to die.

John Wooden

Two days pass by in a blink of an eye. When we left the pentagon we all went to lunch and went to a gun range to compete to see who had the best shots. Then after that, we all went our separate ways. The next day Eve and I spent time with both families. We made a cookout for everyone. My mom and Eve had gone to the market where I had bought the groceries and my mom cooked the food and acted like the kitchen was hers. Everyone ate and had a good time. When night came everyone went home and it was the last night I spent with Jasmine and Lydia before they left in the morning back to Texas.

In the morning we all took Jasmine and Lydia to the airport so they could fly back to Texas. I got them tickets to San Antonio and Mary would pick them up from there and take them home. By the time they would reach San Antonio, the rest of us would already be gone. We bid them farewell and to have a good flight. Jasmine and Lydia tell me to be careful. I tell them that I would be back without a problem and that once we came back, we would go camping in a log cabin in Montana if they wanted.

They both say yes and I tell them that there was a catch, "There is no cell phone signal nor any internet. So we're going to have to live like that for a week or so."

They say that it was ok, as long as they can have fun, that's all they cared about. I smile at them and tell them to call their grandma so that she can know that they were ok. They say that they would call my mom and I kiss them goodbye. They get on their plane and see the plane take off after about 15 minutes. I tell my mom, the twins, and Eve that it was time to go because we were barely going to make it.

On our way back home the twins asked me if I was leaving also. I tell them that Eve and I would be gone for about a week or two because we needed to save some people that were in trouble.

Then they say "Like Superman?"

I laugh and say "Kind of, More like Captain America. Like the comic that I bought and read at the house."

They tell me that they want to read it and I tell them that their grandma would read it to them when it was time to go to sleep. They say ok and sit back on their chairs. My mom asks me if it was going to be dangerous and I tell her that I hoped not because I was tired of explosions and getting shot or shot at. She asks me when I was going to retire and I tell her that I had 11 more years to get full retirement benefits but that after one more mission, I would ask for a desk job and push paperwork so that I didn't have to go on any more missions.

She replies, "Good, this way you can spend more time with the girls. You need to be there to see them grow up. I don't want them to not be able to see you and then when they're grown, they say that you were barely there for them."

I tell her that I knew that, that's why I had one more mission after this one and then I would get a desk job at the pentagon with Evelyn.

We reach the house and there was a Yukon waiting for us. We all get out and the MP that was standing at the Yukon comes to us and says that they were waiting for us. I tell him to give us 10 minutes and that we would leave. Eve goes to the house and says that she's going to get our things. I say ok and then tell the twins to be good girls. They hug me back as tight as they can and I carry them in my arms. I give them each a kiss and put them back down. I hug my mom and she tells me to be careful and that God will be with me. I thank her and Eve comes out of the house with our bag. I take it from her and she hugs the twins and tells them to be good girls. They each give Eve a kiss and Eve kisses them back. My mom hugs Eve and tells her to be careful and not take any chances if she doesn't need to. She says that she won't and I tell Eve to leave her ring behind so that we don't leave anything while we were on our mission. She takes it off and gives it to my mom and my mom says that she'll take care of it and that it would be ready for her to come back. Eve thanks her and we walk towards the Yukon.

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