Chapter XIX

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The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his

– George S. Patton

We all sit down at the table in front of us, pick up the folders and open them, inside the folders were pictures, maps and a summary report on the cartel that we were going to take down. The boss, the lieutenants, the enforcers, the Sicarios. All the big guys. The cartel boss lived in Monclova, Mexico. But ran his operation in Monterrey. Juan Garza was no pushover, he started as a teen killing animals until he killed a guy and loved it ever since. He joined the cartel when he was 16 and was a part of every killing of people that didn't pay since the 80s.

The chief starts to brief us "The picture on the screen is Juan Garza. He is the boss of the Coahuila Cartel. A few years ago, he killed a guy and his brother stepped on his property and called him out, he had the guy skinned alive and strung him up on a bridge with a sign that said punishment to anyone that tries my patience. When his right-hand man was captured in Piedras Negras, and thanks to Nicholas killing him, he decided to not take any chances and beefed up his security. And then thanks to you boys attacking the police station and taking out the police captain, he has recently been giving away money, food and water to the people of the town so that they can be on his side. We need you to take him out and as many of his men. If you bring him in alive, I'll double the pay, but you must bring back the body for confirmation on your payment. Dead or alive. Is that understood?"

We all nod. And finally, he asks if we have any questions. I raise my hand and ask "Sir, who will be our guide? And where do we meet them?"

The chief replies "Everything is in your packet, you may take one packet with you, but make sure you burn it out of existence when you are done with it. Your next stop will be with the quartermaster. Petty officer Marcus I believe that will be your department. Since the quartermasters are Naval intelligence. And she will grant you everything you need."

Marcus nods his head and says, "yes sir chief."

Then the chief looks at my cousin and friends and says "Ok gentleman, not that I am discriminating your civilian friends here, but I need you to take them to Fort McNair and take them to the range and have them at least qualify sharpshooter in all weapons, I don't want any casualties on this first mission." Says the chief.

"I know how to use a gun." Says Daniel.

The chief responds with a remark "Son, I'm pretty sure you learned how to use a gun doing drive-bys and robing 7/11s, but this is the military, we are precise in our weapons efficiency. Is that right gentlemen?"

We all stand up and respond, "Yes sir!"

The chief salutes us and we salute back as he says Dismissed.

We follow his secretary to the elevator, and she leads us to the quartermaster's floor. I told Marcus to lead the way since the quartermaster was Naval Intelligence. We were directed to SB3 and once we got there, Marcus showed our badges to the Naval officers and they opened a door that was about 6 inches thick of steel. Once we walked in, it was like we were all kids at the Wonka Factory. I couldn't believe my eyes, so many weapons.

Handguns, assault rifles, shotguns, and other stuff that I had never seen before. But there was something I did recognize The Armatix Smart Pistol. Something out of a Bond movie. I knew everything about that gun. It was a handgun that locks when the wrong user uses it. It locks when the holder doesn't have the smartwatch to go with it. And if the wrong person had it, you could detonate the gun with the smartwatch that came along with it. The smartwatch could also tell real time, and it told you how many bullets you had left in each gun, it had a GPS, an electronic compass and once you were done using the gun and all you had was the smartwatch, you could set the timer for the watch to explode, it was a small explosion, but big enough to make a hole in a door, or blow someone's hand off.

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