Chapter LII

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We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.

George Santayana

I was in high school and L.G. Pinkston was my main domain. For my freshman year, I was a nobody. I was invisible and no girls were after me. I wasn't the best looking kid either. But damn, the girls there were gorgeous. Somehow summer made all the girls that I went to Jr High with, looked like models. But in the second semester of my sophomore year I finally got a girlfriend named Patsy. She was perfect to me. She had black hair, green eyes, white complexion and Chicana to top it off. We dated for like four months and then she left in the second semester. She moved to Irving, Tx and went to Nimitz High School. Once I was done with my sophomore year, my mom decided to move to Irving and I ended up going to Nimitz also.

The whole Junior year was a mess. I was 5 credits ahead because I was taking so many classes that were advanced in Pinkston. But that whole Junior year, Patsy had broken up with me before she left and dated some guy that dressed like a hobo. He was a really bad dresser. Hair looked like he was trying to copy the greasers from the movie the outsiders and he dressed like he stole the clothes from the homeless people living under the bridge. Funny thing is that neither one of them bothered me the whole year. But once my Senior year kicked in, that's when everything went to shit. I had the same amount of classes and still had my A and B days. That wasn't the worst of it. I had Patsy for two classes. And in the summer Patsy dumped her man for his best friend. The only reason I remember his stupid name was because he blamed me for the school fire at the end of the year.

The whole year Tommy, Patsy's boyfriend. He kept saying that I was stupid for leaving Patsy because she was a great piece of ass and all that shit. Well, I finally had enough after a whole year of shit-talking from him. But before Tommy and I got into the fight that changed my whole life around. I dated about a month into school. Her name was Jennifer, a Japanese girl that I adored because she was so smart in chemistry. We always paired up together and we would always do things that the teacher would tell us that it was dangerous to mix certain chemicals, but we always checked the mixtures and made sure that they wouldn't be dangerous. I told Jennifer about Patsy and Tommy. So she told me that her dad was a martial artist and that maybe he could teach me some martial arts so I could find my center point and ignore them.

So Jennifer took me her house one day and told her parents that I was her boyfriend and that she had invited me to dinner. It was the first time I had ever met any parents of any girlfriend that I had. And by that time I had 3 girlfriends.

Josh says while laughing out loud "Bro seriously, by the time I was in senior year, I had like 10 girlfriends. And probably smashed like 8 out of 10 of them!"

Josh as he continues to laugh. I just stare at him and wait for him to finish laughing. Once he's done laughing I take a swig from my beer.

"Ok, while you were dating around and putting notches on your belt, I was actually looking for love. I didn't want to be like my dad and sleep with as many just like he did. I wanted what my mom had, a true love, someone to spend their life with. It's not about seeing how many conquests you can have, it's about connecting with them physically, spiritually and intellectually. You need someone that you can be with physically, someone that knows your body as good as you know your own. Someone that your soul can speak to without using any words whenever you look into each other eyes. And finally, someone that you can carry a nice long conversation with. Sex gets old and once that mystery is gone, to be honest. Once you have reached that conquest, then you want to have another conquest, remember when it comes to relationships or life. It's a marathon, not a sprint." I tell him while looking up at the stars.

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