Chapter XV

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The point of revenge is not in the completion but in the process – Park Chan-Wook

"You guys know the plan, stick to it word per word, or else things will go wrong. I promise you that by the end of this day, we will all go home and leave this place behind us." I tell the guys.

Little did I know that Mexico would be my war zone in the future. They drop me off two blocks away from my ex's house and then drive off. I walk to her house and turning the corner I see a military truck and two cop cars outside. Once close by, I raise my hands to show them that I am not armed, they run to me and check me for weapons and one of the cops punches me in the face and cuts me on my right eyebrow and I immediately start to bleed.

"Eso es por todos mis amigosque mataste está mañana hijo de tu pinche madre!" He yells.

Then when he's about to hit me again the military steps in and say that they're under strict orders to take him to the captain unharmed because he's the one that will be doing the hurting. The soldiers put me in the back of the truck and in the back with me, there are 4 soldiers pointing their guns at me, making sure that I don't get up or do anything to get away. In a far distance, I see my guys following us, making sure that the military doesn't notice that they are being followed. We get out of the city and start driving on a dirt road. My guys pass the road and disappear from my sight. We stop at an old house which looks to be an old farm home.

I start whispering "there's 3 vehicles, about 6 guys outside, not counting the 5 military soldiers and the 4 cops that followed us to the ranch.

The soldiers take me down from the truck and someone walks out of the ranch house and starts laughing.

"Todo esto podría ver sido evitado si nomás nos hubieras dejado a matar a Zaelia. Le queríamos mandar un mensaje a su hermano porque el nos robó una buena cantidad de dinero. Pero se hizo en una rata y se entregó a la policía allá en el gabacho para que nada le hubiera pasado." The guy says.

"Y tú quien eres?" I ask.

"Mi nombre es César Martínez. Soy el capitán de lo que quedó de la policía que dejaste vivos." He says.

I start laughing and his smile disappears, he walks over to me and asks what's so funny. I tell him that the funny part is that he made the biggest mistake was taking my daughter in order to get to me because before the day is over, he's going to cry and yell in pain while he's dying. He starts to laugh and tells me that there's no escape from here, that he has men around the house and the cartel at his disposal.

The military push me inside the house and handcuff me with my hands raised into a beam above my head. They bring in my ex and she's bruised in the face from the slaps or punches they gave her, her blouse torn from where I can only guess that they tried to molest her if they haven't already, her small breasts falling out of her blouse and she looks at me crying and angry and yells that it was my fault that they grabbed her and our daughter.

I look at her and tell her that it was her stupid brother that gave them my information and told them that she was my ex and that she had my daughter and that's how they found out. She looks at me and says that her brother would never put her or our daughter in harm's way.

"Es verdad lo que dice tu esposo. Tu hermano era el que nos dijo de el. Y cuando buscamos información sobre Nicholas, supimos quién eras tú y dónde encontrar a su hija. Si no fuera por tu hermano, nunca lo hubiéramos encontrado." Replies the captain.

"Dónde está mi hija?" I ask.

"Traigan la niña." he replies.

A guy walks out and I could hear my little girl yelling to let her go or else she was going to tell her dad and that her dad was going to beat him up when he got here. He pushes my daughter in and my little girl runs up to me and gives me a hug.

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