Chapter IV

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"I'm perfect in my imperfections, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses and beautiful in my own way because I'm me." (UNKOWN)

      As we ride down the road I see the sunrise. It feels good to know that I have another day to live. At times I am in a lock between believing if there is a God or not. I can't wait to get home, take a hot bath and rest up my body because it's going to be a long road before we get the end of this war. I laugh at myself because I didn't learn to ride a motorcycle until the age of 30. I always wanted to learn but I was just too scared I guess.

     As we ride for about an hour I hold on to my brother, I just watch as I see where we are on the road. I can see the town up ahead where we usually go underground from anyone ever finding us. We ride into this medium sized town called Del Rio and go straight to where the storages are for rent. For years we have used this road because it's hard to travel between the United States and Mexico, they ask too many questions and ask for too many legal documents. I on the other hand took it upon myself to make sure that I had a tunnel going back and forward between the countries because way before the blackout I knew this was going to happen to our beloved country. I told people for many years about our country turning into a dictatorship, I warned them about WW3, I even warned them about how one day the United States would go into revolution but nobody listened to me, well almost nobody, I had a few people that listened to me, more or less about 100 people.

     So I knew that I had to make sure that I had things ready just in case. I had to do it for them, and for my kids. I had to make sure they would be ok and be out of harm's way. I can't wait to see my children! I miss my girls so much; I didn't think that I would ever see them again. We get to the storage locker, unlock the door, we all go in and the floor elevator goes down.  We get to the bottom and see the tunnel in darkness. We hit the lights and see the railway. We load up the bikes and prepare to go to the other side.

     I remember exactly how I got the tunnel made from one side to the other side of the country. It was about a decade ago, more or less. The Mexican drug cartels had taken over the town where my youngest daughter used to live. The cartels hanged banners from a hospital and left dead bodies and body parts all over on the hospital parking lot. The banner read "Ya estamos aqui cabrones, todo que se pongo contra nosotros recibira lo mismo." Translated in English it read "We are here fuckers, everyone that gets in our way will receive the same thing to them." At that time I was somewhere in Germany. I was doing some Black Ops training in Frankfurt.

     I didn't know what happened until 3 days later when my phone's voicemail was full of messages. As soon as I heard all the messages I got on the first plane to TX and drove to Piedras Negras as fast as I could because I wanted to make sure that my daughter was ok. At that time Genesis was the only child that I knew that was in existence. When I got to the Mexican border the Mexican military would not let me cross because according to them the town was a war zone. I didn't care since I had already been in Iraq for almost a year and a half. Sure, you would think it's the same thing but in reality it's not. Drug cartels are worse than insurgents. The cartels like to be as barbaric as possible.

     I would learn this a while later when I got into trouble with them for what happened the week I was with Genesis. I had a talk with the commanding officer of the border's military and told him that I was an American soldier and that I was only going to pick up my daughter from my wife and taking my daughter with me to Germany so she could be safe. The Lieutenant told me it was ok but as long as I didn't try to do anything stupid since they didn't need any more problems. I gave him my word that I would be good and I would out of Mexico in about 48 hours. I was driving down the road when out of nowhere there was an explosion and I saw smoke rising from a building up ahead. The restaurant up ahead was blown up and I could see a truck driving away from the scene at top speed since it was obvious that the cartels caused the explosion.

     I wanted to see if my daughter was ok but I stopped to see if anybody was hurt. There were people running out of the building on fire. I grabbed my jacket and put the jacket on them to make sure the fire was out. I stopped 2-3 people from being on fire and ran into the building to help others that were unconscious. I took out about 3 people out of the building, including a 3-year-old child. I ran back in to see if the kitchen staff was ok but I saw the backdoor was open so I figured they got out as soon as they could. I wasn't mad at them but some people can be selfish if they don't have instincts to help others, at most time's people first reactions are to save themselves, it's just what's called 'self-preservation'. I walk to the front and see the ambulance and fire truck arrive. They ask me a bunch of questions in Spanish and I just answer to the best that I could.

     I get into the car and start driving again. I start thinking to myself on how to convince my ex-wife to give me custody of my daughter? I know that she won't give it up so easy so I figure I'm going to have to prove to her that Genesis needs to be with me. I drive until I see a roadblock and some Mexican soldiers having a shootout with some cartels at a residence street. I mean seriously these guys don't really care since things like this just show you that Mexican drug cartels are vicious and don't care who they hurt just as long as their drugs get across the border and they get their profits. I drive around but see cars on fire, people running for their lives, I mean it's literally a warzone in this neighborhood.

     My daughter's house is just 5 miles from here and I hope to God that there is nothing happening over there. I drive until I get rammed by a Mexican military truck and then they get off and take me down from the car; my first thought was "good thing I got the international insurance since I was coming to Mexico anyway". They start asking me questions about why am I just driving around and don't go where I need to be and I tell them that I haven't been in this town in about a year and I didn't know that it was like this. I just wanted to come visit my daughter and they interrogated me some more and then they get on their truck, backed up and drove away since they saw that I was clean cut and looked nowhere near the drug cartel profile. I get into my car and shake my headache off and I start driving to my ex-wife's house. When I get there I couldn't believe what I saw!

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