Chapter LXXX

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The POWs went through something so horrible, you don't know who's coming back.

Gideon Raff

"This is some really good intel, Chief!" Commander Guzman tells Evelyn.

She thanks him and we start making models of how everything looks. We start pointing out where the guards were at and all the buildings. While they made all the models and tell everyone where everyone was and what kind of weaponry they had, I take a walk with Lawrence.

"How do you think this will play out?" Lawrence asks me.

I tell him that we would get them out. He tells me that we might have a problem doing the mission at night.

I ask what he meant and he says "My watch says it's 6 pm and the sun is still high. And honestly, I think we came at the wrong time. I think now is when the north is supposed to have the 30 days of day."

I look at the sun and notice that since the morning the sun had barely moved. I kick a rock and cuss out loud. Everyone asks me what was wrong and I tell them to look at the sun.

They look at it and Commander Guzman asks what was wrong with it and I tell him "Lawrence pointed out something that I didn't make an account for. He says that around this time its when the north has 30 days of daylight."

Everyone looks back at the sun and look at the model in a disappointed look.

"Well, there goes that plan," Marcus says.

I tell him that we were still going to execute the plan. He asks how and I tell him that it would be a surprise attack but when the sun is at its lowest.

"We're going to attack in two days. Tonight we need to see how low and how dark it gets if it even gets dark. We leave for the camp a few hours before the attack and right when it's at its lowest, we attack. We kill everyone fast and smooth. No explosions. This way we have a way to get out fast also. Commander Guzman, the boat is not going to do, we're going to need a chopper at the shore ready for us for a quick extraction. I'm going to need your best pilot to fly at about 300 feet. We're going to need it to stay under the radar. Once the helicopter touches the shore, we will leave in about 5 minutes. Any time after 5 minutes will be more than enough to get the POWs out, if anyone is left behind, then we'll need to use something underwater to get us out and someone can come to get us after we're away from the shore and from the patrol boats." I tell Commander Guzman.

He looks at me and replies "That's out of the question! We can't have any choppers to go and get you. If we're found out then we could have a war on us. You'll have to do this black ops style. No one must know that you are here and getting into a firefight would be out of the question."

I reply "that's going to be our best bet to get the men out safe. I don't know why you're chickening out now. What's the navy's motto? It's not a job, its an adventure!"

We argue for a while and after a while, he says that he'll send one chopper with a gunner just in case we get chased. I tell him that all I needed was one chopper. I tell him my plan and everyone says that it was too far fetched. I tell them that it would work. And they tell me that they hope so because they all wanted to go home. I tell them that everyone would go home no matter what.

Everyone was on the ship and it was very tight and very compact. I never knew that the ships would be this small with hallways this confined. I got lost on the way just trying to go up on the ship. Once I finally make my way upstairs, I sit down and look at the sun and keep watch. It was midnight and the damn thing was barely moving. Lawrence asks me how I was doing and I tell him that I was worried about this mission.

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