Chapter XLIX

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Setting a goal is not the main thing.

It is deciding how you will go about achieving it

and staying with that plan.

Tom Landry

I start walking northwest and the sun forgives no one. I just hope that Eve can survive the three days. I continue to walk and pass by a lot of dried up bushes and a few dead trees. I contemplate what my godfather told me about Eve's question and what his answer was. About a million questions go through my head and try to figure out which one she asked. I continue walking and see what I think is a forest. I walk and think that I am hallucinating. Then I see myself in the woods and close to about what it looks like about a full garrison of soldiers.

I hear an owl hoot and then I hear a voice ask me, "General, so what's the plan once we reach the white house?"

I continue walking towards the white house and tell Brandon, "We do what I trained ya'll to do. We take over the white house and put to rest what's left of old America and rebuild it brand new. Not a republican nation. A new nation. A free nation. Now, this is the plan of attack. We are heading east. So that means that we are facing the oval office right now. Take the cannons to the south side of the white house and lead off with the beehive shells. Take about 50 men to the West side of the white house. Keep about 25 men with the cannons. I need another 50 on this side, the east side. And finally, for the North of the white house, I will take the rest of the men. Each side will have 2 generals and will command them accordingly when its time to split them into two factions to finally surround the white house to make sure no one escapes. Now the white house has 2 escape tunnels. Once the cannons fire, I want the two teams that are on the exits of the escape tunnels to blow them to hell. I don't want that fake, wanna be rich, corn hair wearing motherfucker escaping. He's going to pay for betraying the country and making it what it is now. Make sure that before any man goes on foot towards the white house, to throw the explosive lines from all angles and blow a path through because you never know if it has any mines on the lawn. Make sure that the snipers on each side take out the snipers on the rooftops. Spare their lives if you can I prefer that you all immobilize them. Remember that they are your brothers and sisters. And they fight for their convictions just like we do. But remember, our cause is more justified than theirs since they don't know that THAT toupee wearing bitch betrayed our country."

I tap on the screen on my wrist computer and walk back and forward in front of everyone while playing the recording of the president telling the Korean president to launch the satellites into space and deploy the EMP on the states in the next three days so that he can leave tomorrow to another country on a diplomatic visit and he could be safe once he's out. I stop the recording. I look at everyone and tell them that because of him, millions were lost.

I start yelling at everyone, "We all lost families and friends. I lost my wife and what was left of my family, my daughters were almost dying when I found them back home. I had to take them to Mexico just to survive. It took me two years to get back home because the Koreans didn't stop with just us, they hit china, japan, all of Europe and Russia. The Koreans were the ones with the most powerful and in those two years, they invaded their neighboring countries. It's only a matter of time before they show up here. Now we end this old United States and from the ashes, just like a phoenix, our country will rise and be born again!"

Everyone starts to cheer and I see the intensity in everyone's eyes. Including my own.

I see a flash of light and cover the brightness with my hand until my eyes adjust. I finally see that it was the sun. I feel the heat hit me like a wave of solar flares.

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