Chapter 74

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Chapter 74


I was in a deep sleep when Legacy's cries woke me up. I sighed and got up, walking over to Legacy's room we had set up for her. I picked her up and held her close.

"What's wrong Legacy?" I asked, bouncing her. I decided it was her diaper and changed her before rocking her back to sleep and getting back into bed.

Legacy woke up again a few hours later and I hit Haven.

"Haven, Legacy's crying."


"Go." I said, kicking him. He sighed and got up, returning ten minutes later. He collapsed into the bed and passed out.

Legacy woke up again at six am and I just decided to stay up. I was sitting on the couch when Haven walked out, looking like a zombie.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm exausted." He said, trying to pour himself a cup of coffee but missing his cup and pouring it onto the counter. 

"Haven. Haven. HAVEN!" I yelled and he jumped, noticing he was pouring it on the counter.

"Oh." He said and poured it into his cup.

"I'll make you some more, go take a cold shower, wake yourself up." I said, patting his shoulder. He nodded and walked off. Hopefully this gets through to him that we're not ready for a baby.

Thirty minutes later, he was ready for work. He was still pretty tired but awake enough to function.

"I love you, have a good day." I said, kissing his lips and handing him his cup of coffee.

"I love you too. Good luck." He said and walked out.


*A few days later*

"You sure you're going to be okay?" Echo asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine."

"Okay, call me or my parents if you need anything." She said and left. How hard can taking care of a baby be?

Legacy started to cry and I sighed, getting up and walking to her room. I changed her diaper and put her down on the living room floor, letting her roam around.

"Legacy, it's time to eat!" I called, making some of her food. I looked around the living room but didn't see her. Fuck. "Calm down Haven, she's just a baby, how much trouble can she get into. She couldn't have gotten far." I said, trying to calm myself down. I started running around the apartment, tearing it up to find her.

"LEGACY!" I screamed. I heard a noise from the corner in the living room and lifted the blanket to see Legacy smiling up at me.

"Oh thank god." I said, lifting her up and kissing her forehead. I carried her to the table and fed her.


Only one hour until Echo gets home, I can do this. I can prove to her that taking care of a baby isn't that hard and I'm capable of being a good father.

Suddenly, Legacy began to cry and I groaned, going to go get her. I checked her diaper but it was dry. I tried feeding her but she refused to eat. I tried rocking and bouncing her but she just wouldn't stop.

I ran to the phone and called Niki, still trying to calm Legacy down.


"Niki, Legacy's crying and I don't know what's wrong and Echo's not home and-"

"Haven, calm down, I'll be right over." She said, cutting me off and hanging up. I sighed and looked at the time, thirty minutes until Echo gets home, this isn't good.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Niki.

"Thank God you're here." I said handing Legacy to her.

"My God Haven, you look like you've been through hell and back." Niki said, walking into the apartment.

She walked to Legacy's room and bounced her a bit.

"Aha." She said and undid her diaper, cleaning her up and putting on a new one. She picked Legacy up and, just like that, Legacy was quiet.

"B-But, I checked her diaper."

"Not good enough then." I sighed and sat down in the chair in the room, putting my head into my hands.

"Haven." Niki said, putting Legacy down and coming over to me. "You're going to be a great father, but you have time. You're still just a kid, live your life and don't have kids until at least a few years from now. Focus on supporting you and Echo."

"Thanks Niki."

"No problem." She smiled.

"I'M HOME!" Echo called. "Haven?"

"In here!" I said. She walked in and smiled.

"Hi mom."

"I'm so sorry Echo, being a parent is hard and we aren't ready." He said, rushing over to me and grabbing my hands.

"That's all I wanted to hear." I giggled.

"I think we should give Legacy back."

"Agreed." She said. We helped Niki pack up Legacy's things and sent both of them on their way.

"I'm going to sleep." I said.



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