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Broken.......what does it mean to be broken. To be utterly shattered, destroyed, dispirited, defeated and even fragmented.

I never knew the day would come when I would feel all this things and more.

I never knew the day would come when the feeling to take your own life would be overpowering.

To have that feeling of disgust towards your self.


I wasn't one for parties.The idea of getting drunk, grinding and groping the opposite sex was just absolutely revolting.

I hated it.

But when charliey dragged me to one of her numerous escapades. I didn't stop her. I didn't know what came over me but the thought of drinking my sorrows away was pretty tempting and I succumbed .

Probably because I needed to get my mind off things.

I had an argument with my mom again which I don't feel the need to reflect upon, because that would just make me more angry.

Now the party.........It was actually fun at first. The buzz of the alcohol was absolutely wonderful. I actually felt I could fly and I wouldn't fall. Can you imagine?

But the feeling faded the moment I was cornered in the ladies room by three guys from my school. Or where they five I had no Idea.

I wanted to scream but my voice got caught in my throat. Charliey was nowhere to be seen and I left my phone at home just in case mom called. But right now I felt stupid for doing that.

I tried to run but they blocked my way like war machines, like wild animals ready to pounch their prey. Next thing I knew I was pinned to the wall.

Two of them had my hands pinned to the wall, while their leader had his hands all over me.

I felt disgusted. I didn't know if it was the alcohol in my system that made me not to fight back but I didn't.

I just let them grab and touch me.............

"Now we will see what you've been hiding under all those clothes you bitch.."

The tallest of them spat...I felt sick....

We're they really going to do this?

I felt one of them grope my ass from behind making me whimper in pain....

"Damn nigress, you're so hot. Just hope you'll be a good fuck too".


My eyes widened at his words and that was when I had it in me to scream. I bellowed on top of my lungs,kicking one of them at the solar plexus , the other too let go of me and I scurried for the door.

But I wasn't quick enough and the next thing I knew, one of them had grabbed me by the hair and yanked me to the wet disgusting floor. My face Immediately jerked to the side from the stinging pain of a slap.

Tears stung my eyes.

"Please ". I begged.

But it all fell on deaf ears as I was restrained to the ground. My hands were pinned above me as the one who yanked my hair hovered over me, seperating my legs wide.

I tried closing them but the punch he gave to my thighs had me recoiling in pain.

I whimpered. I sounded so pathetic.

"Should we gag her?" I barely registered what the one who had my hands pinned above my head had said because of the searing pain on my thigh.

" No." He paused his eyes raking me appreciatingly.

I felt bile rise to my throat as he slipped a hand into my panties, causing me to gasp and a tear slip from my eyes.

" I want to hear her scream as I fuck her."  he locked eyes with me, challenging me to reply but I kept shut. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of hearing my voice fail me.

He reached for his belt buckle and I froze. This was it. He was really going to do this to me.

The waterworks poured more as I writhed against their hold. But they kept a tight grip.

Their leader positioned himself between my legs as he pushed them high till my knees were bent .

I trashed more , angering him and making him dig his nails into the skin of my thighs. I winced at the pain but didn't back down. I was going to put up a fight until I was too weak to do so.

"Stay still you bitch! "He growled angrily shoving my legs wider apart as he ripped my panties. I was so shocked that I screamed. Not because he tore away my panties but because of the sudden intrusion i felt as he entered me .

Tears rolled down my cheeks. The pain was unbearable. It was like he was stretching and tearing me apart from the inside out but he didn't care. He kept on pounding in and out of me as I screamed my lungs out.

He groaned and moaned in pleasure. The sound making me throw up in my mouth.

That was how they kept on going. One by one they took turns inside me like I was some kind of cheap sex machine.

I couldn't take the excruciating pain anymore. I was already too weak to fight them.

So when black dots started covering my Vision, I closed my eyes and succumbed to the darkness that swallowed me.

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