~Well, she lied (4)~ (1x11)

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~Author's Note~

This is the forth installment in this mini story. In this installment Conrad and Nic both go to the medical board, along with Claire Thorpe. There they tell them that Lane probably did spy on them and that Lane has no official proof that Nic had anything to do with Lily's death.


(No one's POV)

Beep! Beep! Nic looks down at her pager, she unclips it from her pager holder and looked at it, she sighed.

"What is it"? Conrad asked her. He was standing with her. He was going to do everything that he could do to keep her get cleared as one of the people responsible for Lily's death.

"I've been asked to answer more questions", she said, turning around, starting to walk away from him. "Do you want me to come with you"? He asked her. He secretly wanted to say yes, as he want to be there with her, and to show her support during this entire ordeal.

"No, Conrad, please...", Nic said, while starting to speak, until she was interrupted by Conrad.

"No, Nic. I'm going with you. I will not let them do this to you. You are an amazing nurse and you should not be have to deal with this alone. I'm going with you", he said.

By Conrad's tone of voice, she knew not to argue with him, she sighed and silently walked to be room where the medical board was doing the interview.

*In the interview*

"Now, Nurse Nevin you say that you put the potassium medicine drip bag on the lowest setting for Lily Kendall. Is that true"?

"Yes", Nic said, a little confused as to why she was asked the same question for a second time ever after she answered this question already.

"Okay, and why did you do it"?

"Because, Dr. Lane Hunter told me to do it", Nic said. "And I put it on the lowest setting of the flow rate, and that is what I did".

"Then what do you suppose happened"?

"I have assumptions and horrible feelings that Dr. Lane Hunter changed the flow rate and we have proof that she was spying on us, and how she found us about me and Conrad", She said, turning to Conrad, who was sitting next to her, "was back together".

"Okay, well do you have any proof. Or anything so we can validate your story"?

Conrad and Nic just stared at each other, startled, after a couple of seconds, Conrad turned to them and said, "We could look at the hospital's video tape for security tape".

The medical board along with Nic just stares at him.

"If you said we didn't need proof I wouldn't be saying that we should be looking at the security footage", Conrad said, a little frustrated. It's just another obstacle in his way to clear Nic's name.

After a few minutes the medical board just conforming with each other, and then they looked at both Conrad and Nic, who was sitting patiently.

"Well, let's looks at it, then if you are night we will take the necessary actions about what we should do to reprimand Dr. Lane Hunter.

Nic and Conrad, without looking at each other gave each other's hands a little squeeze. They were finally going to prove that Lane did something and then she framed Nic for changing the flow rate medicine bag, resulting in Lily dying of a potassium overdose.



Let me know what you think about this.

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