~How did you do it?~ (1x14)

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~Author's Note~

This takes place in "Season 1, Episode 14: Total Eclipse of the Heart", after Conrad get Nic out of jail. She asks him how he did it, he says that he will tell her later, but it's never shown on screen, this is what I think that conversation went.


(No one's POV)

After Nic, Devon, and Conrad went to talk to Dr. Randolph Bell about Lane Hunter, on the way out, Conrad pulled Nic into an empty on-call spun her around and drew her into him and kisses her.

After a few minutes, Nic pulled away, and asked, "What was that for"?, she asked while still having her hands on his shoulders.

"You looked so hot, standing there, and saying those things to Bell". Conrad said, and then he continued to kiss her.

"Wait a minute, Conrad", Nic said, stopping him again. "Well, first of all, thank you, and second of all we can't do this here, we can do it later at your place".

"Yeah, you're right, we can't do it now", Conrad said, knowing that Nic was right, even though he didn't want to wait.

Nic getting a serious look on her face said, "Now, tell me what did you do, to get me out of jail"?

Conrad was hesitant about saying, but we knew if he wanted to make it work with her then he was going to have to tell Nic the whole story.

"Well, after you called me, and told me how many money the bail was, and I told you that I was going to get you out of there", Conrad started. Both of them walked to sit down on the bed, that was in there.

"Yeah, I remember. What about it"? Nic asked, she had no idea what he was getting at.

"Well, I didn't have the money needed to bail you out. So I might have made a call to my father".

Nic was shocked, "Oh, Conrad", Nic said. "You didn't have to do that, I know that you don't have a great relationship with him. I mean, I am very much appreciative of what you did, but I don't want to cause any problems between you two".

Conrad reached out his hand, and touch the side of her face, he stood up and she followed. They both stood up and he said, "Nic, I still love you, and I would do it again for you, I would do anything for you, you know that right"?

"Yeah, I know". Nic said, and then kissed him, like he kissed her before. They fell on the bed, in the on-cell room, and continued to kiss, and let's just say that they didn't move from that bed, and they never made it to Conrad's house.


~Author's Note~

FYI, this is my first sexual/flirtation chapter, that I've written, one of the first, I mean. But its the first one that I ever took this far. Let me know what you think of it. I for one, is very proud of it.

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