~Getting the files (1)~ (1x14)

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~Author's Note~

This is about Lane getting for files at her clinic of all of her patients that she didn't want to the FBI to find. This is from Lane's POV, and this is the first part of a two part story, and they both in Lane's POV.


(Lane's POV)

As soon as I walked out of Randolph's office. I go straight for my car. I walk down the hallway, down the many stairs. Finally got to my car.

In my hurry, I forgot my purse in my office, oh great, now I have to waste more time to going back upstairs to get my purse, great this is just great.


(No one's POV)

Lane finally got back to her office, when she walked in she found on the chair at the table, that was in her office. She grabs it, and then she looks up her office, and walks out of the hospital again and back into her car.


(Back to Lane's POV)

I'm finally back in my car driving to my clinic, as fast as I can, without speeding, I will already is in hot water with the law because of the misdiagnosing of patients, and I really don't want to be in any more hot water with the law.

I finally got to my clinic, I park my car in my parking place, and I then run into my clinic.

Once I get into my clinic, I run and go up the stairs. I go to the room where I keep all of my patient's records. I put my access code in the code pad to unlock the door. I get into the room, and I go immediately for a cardboard box. Then go to one filing cabinet, and I start throwing files in the box, as fast as I can. I have to get out of here, as fast as I can.

As soon as I'm done I close the door, which it automatically locks, and I start down the stairs, and head toward the door. I think I'm going to be okay.

Then, however, when I opened the door, two law enforcement officers charge at me. Oh, great, now what.


~Author's Note~

Please let me know what you think about this chapter (One shot/part), it's harder to write chapters from another characters POV. I tried to tune into what probably goes on in to Lane's head and how she thinks, and that's hard to do.

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