~You were right~ (2x13)

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~Author's Note~

In, "Season 2, Episode 13: Virtually Impossible", Conrad tries to worn Nic about the possibility that Jessie's is on doing drugs again, and is not as sober anymore as would like Nic had thought that she was. Nic gets all defensive and walked away from him, when he was only trying to help. But, then after seeing their high school friend, waiting to donate a kidney or lung to Eloise Camden. She rushes home and finds Jessie pills. They fight, Nic storms out and then when she gets in her car starts crying. What if she calls Conrad and asks him to meet her somewhere, and then she tells him. Hope you enjoy!!!


(No one's POV)

"When I come home, I don't want to find you here", Nic said, angrily. She slammed her front door, leaving her sister kneeling on the floor.

She ran down to her car and got in it. The minute that she got in, he immediately startled crying. How could she believe her? She thought. Because you love her, and she is your sister. But, I don't think that I can do much more of this she thought, and as tears rolled down her face, she needed to talk to the person that understood her, Conrad. As the tears rolled down her face, she took out her phone, she clicked on Conrad's number, and wanted until he picked up.


(Conrad's POV)

As I was getting a cup of coffee why phone started ringing. I look at it, I see that it is Nic and I smile.

"Hey", I said as answered.

"You were right", she answered on the other line.

I frown, and I say, "Nic? Are you okay? What wrong"?, I ask her, very concerned.

"It's Jessie", she said, sobbing. I immediately understood, and said, "What can I do? Can I help you with anything"?, I asked.

She responded and asked me if I could meet her somewhere and we could talk. I immediately agreed to meet her.


(Back to No one's POV)

As soon as Conrad and Nic finished talking to each other, Conrad left the hospital to meet Nic, at the place that they agreed to meet. Once Conrad met her, they hugged.

As soon as they started hugged, Nic started to say, "you were right. She has started to use again. I didn't want to believe that, but again she has said that she is done with the drugs before. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you", she said. Then she started to cry. Conrad put his arms around her, and rubbed her back, before he was going to say anything else. Nic started talking again, "I found them, and we got into a fight and I told her to get out and that I didn't want see her when I got home tonight later".

"Well, maybe you didn't mean it. You were probably just upset with the situation", Conrad said, trying to calm her down.

Nic looked at him with her tear-stained face, and stammered saying, "That's the problem, I did mean it. There's so much I can do. I've hardly slept for weeks for worrying and worrying about Jessie and I'm just tired".

"Why didn't you tell me, you haven't been sleeping, well"? Conrad asked, concerned.

"I didn't want you to think that I was weak and that I needed help. The truth is I'm not fine, and I do need you", Nic said.

Conrad looked at her, into her face. He put his hands on either side of her face, and said, "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. When we go home tonight. I will make sure you will get some sleep. Okay"?

Nic smiled and nodded, and they hugged again.


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